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Version 14.54
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How does HostMonitor warn you of failures?

network management software: alert methods HostMonitor is a network management software, it provides different ways to respond to failed services. Audio and visual notifications can alert people near the machine. E-mail and pager notifications can be used to inform a wider range of remote operators. Some of the actions HostMonitor can take will try to recover from a failure automatically without human intervention. These actions include: Restart service, Reboot local/remote computer, Dial-up to the network, Disconnect dial-up connection, SNMP Set, and more...

Each test can be set up with an individual alert profile, and each alert profile may contain a number of alert actions that can be launched in a predefined order depending on the test results.

Here is a list of available actions to kick off in response to a problem:

Hangouts chatSends messages into Google Hangouts chat
Microsoft TeamsSends a message to Microsoft Teams channel
Telegram messageSends a message to Telegram messenger chat
Slack messageSends a message to Slack messenger channel
Viber messageSends a message to Viber client
Send message to Jabber Sends a message through an Jabber server
Play sound Playing a sound continuously or one time (WAV, MID, RMI files)
Show popup window Displays a popup-window with information about event
Send e-mail Sends an e-mail with the problem's data to a mailbox, pager or mobile phone
Send message to pager (TAP) Sends a message to an alphanumeric pager using a modem (TAP protocol)
Send message to pager (SNPP) Sends a message to an alphanumeric pager using Internet connection (SNPP protocol)
Send message to beeper Sends a message (number) to numeric pager using a modem
Send SMS (GSM modem) Sends SMS messages through a GSM modem (cell phone)
Send SMS (SMPP over IP) Sends SMS messages through a SMPP network service providers using TCP/IP connection
Stop service Stops a Windows Service on local or remote system
Start service Starts a Windows Service on local or remote system
Restart service Restarts a Windows Service on local or remote system
Remote reboot Reboots remote Windows system
Local reboot Reboots local computer
Execute external program Executes external programs
Start program remotelyExecutes external program on remote system
Kill processKills process on local or remote system
Generate reports Creates a HTML, WML, Text or DBF reports (preconfigured by Report Manager)
Record HM log Allows you to store records in the log under some very specific circumstances
Log Event Logs a record to the Windows Event Log
SQL Query Executes an SQL query against the specified ODBC data source
HTTP request Sends HTTP request to Web server
Send data to TCP/UDP port Sends data to the specified host using TCP or UDP protocols
Syslog Sends data using the Syslog protocol
SNMP Set Sets data on the local or remote system using the SNMP protocol
SNMP Trap Sends a SNMP Trap message to a Management Station
Dial-up to network Dial-ups to a network
Disconnect dial-up connection Drops the specified dial-up connection
Repeat test Forces HostMonitor to perform the test one more time
Change test interval Changes the test interval
Execute HMS script Executes multipurpose HMScript

Highly flexible Action Profiles allow you to start actions in predefined order depending on the test results:

  • E.g. you may start some action only when both primary and backup mail servers do not respond.
  • Or an action profile can be set up to page both the IT manager and the network administrator during regular office hours, and to page the administrator alone the rest of the time, while doing nothing else but writing to the log on weekends.
  • Another example: when some critical service fails HostMonitor may reboot the server. If that does not help, HostMonitor will send e-mail to the on-call technician. If, however, the server remains silent during the next three probes, the network administrator is to be paged until the server is brought back up.
Various macro variables allow you to use the same action profile for hundreds or thousands of monitoring tasks (test items). E.g. If you monitor 10 different services on each of 100 servers, you may use single action to restart any failed service on any of these systems.

Manual All about actions..