custom configure first 5 alerts within an hour?

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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custom configure first 5 alerts within an hour?

Post by MonitorRookie »


We use HostMonitor. I would like to have the system send 5 alerts as long as the problem is not solved WITHIN 1 hour and stop emailing afterwards.
If the next day the problem is still not solved it should start send again max 5 times in first hour and stop again until next day if the problem is still not solved.
So actually it should check every 12 minutes (60min/5 alerts) and alert in that 1st hour as long as status is still down and then stop after that hour.
I hope my intentions are clear. Is this possible?

Looking at the advanced mode document it should look something like
('%SimpleStatus%'=='DOWN') and (%Recurrences% mod ????

but I don't how to realize this. Can someone help?

Thanks in advance for your help/advice.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Something like
('%SimpleStatus%'=='DOWN') and ((%Recurrences% mod 288)<6)

Are you sure you want to receive 5 alerts for each bad test at the middle of the night, every night (some tests may fail at night, then alerts will repeat next night)?
May be its better send several alerts when test becomes bad, then send single report with al bad tests every morning?

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Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2019 2:37 am

Post by MonitorRookie »

Thanks for the reply.

Hmm...that is a good point.
Well, it should be sending an alert as soon as it detects the 1st error/warning (no matter at what time that occurred) and send it 5 times within that hour and then stop.
On the next following rounds of alerts in the following day(s) (at midnight or during workinghours or within the 24hours) it should send it again max 5 times within that hour of the 2nd and following days.
The alerts on the next and following days act as reminders and it doesn't matter on what specific hour the max 5 alerts will occur. Could be midnight, in the morning or even later in the new day.
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