Linked Tests -vs.- Mass Addition

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Linked Tests -vs.- Mass Addition

Post by sysadmber »


until now I created tests. But with an ever growing list of folders (each folder contains tests of a single server) I wanted to ease the maintainance of those thousands of tests by switching to links.

I don't know If I made something wrong or it works different from my expectations.

I created folder_A containing a test. Then in folder_B I created a link to the test in folder_A.

However it was not working because there are two Fields which needs to get adjusted but didn't:

- Test By (Each Folder has it's own folder-specific agent).

If what I need is not possible, then could you enhance the Copy dialog that next to the folder name there is a checkbox? This way I could copy the test to multiple folders at once. Now i copy every new test for servers up to 120 times to add this to all servers.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Quote from the manual
Links allow you to put the same test item(s) into several different folders. Unlike "copy" operation that creates independent copy of the test item, "link" operation does not create another test item - it creates link (image) of the test item. What is the difference?
- Copy: If you need to create test item similar to existing one and then change some parameters of the new item (e.g. you need similar test items to check set of services on different servers), use Copy operation. Copy will create new test item(s) with the same properties, then you will be able to modify each item independently; HostMonitor will perform separate check for each item.
- Link: If you want to see exactly the same test item(s) in several different folders, use Link operation. If you select original test or any of its links and modify test settings, your changes will automatically take effect for all links of the test.
>This way I could copy the test to multiple folders at once. Now i copy every new test for servers up to 120 times to add this to all servers.

You may use Network Discovery and Replicator.
Built-in Replicator allows to replicate selected set of tests for many target hosts. It may create new folders, set variables, adjust test settings. For example you may select some host using "Network map" window, choose "Copy" item from popup menu, adjust some test settings and tell HostMonitor to create the same set of tests for each system with enabled WMI service in - IP range using expression like ("%WMI%"=="ON") and ("%IP%">="") and ("%IP%"<="")

Also, there is CopyIntoSelectedFolders HMScript command ... #actScript

Also, there are templates and "Check and copy" function ... m#tfolders

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Post by sysadmber »

I tried to follow your advice and read the infos in the docs.

Templates don't help me. There is no benefit creating and using templates over copying an existing folder for server_a to server_b

The only few tests which needs adjustment afterwards are hostmon based tests. And that a re clearly the minority. Most tests are done by agent and there don't need adjustment.

And it don't helps me creating an identically test for all my server folders (120+)

I also took a look at replicator but this didn't help me either.

If I create a test in folder_a, select the object in network test and than right click -> copy the new created test is not in the list. I found no test with is Tested by "folder-specific-agent" in this list.

I didn't took a look at the HMScript.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Lets start from beginning - what exactly you are doing?
You have 120 servers and each server monitored by its own RMA agent?
Why? Because each server located in separate LAN or protected by firewall so you cannot use HostMonitor or single RMA to monitor all 120 servers?

Then you create 1 (or several) new test and you want to replicate this test for 120 servers using 120 different RMA agents?

Then yes, Network Discovery->Replicator is not helpful, it helps a lot when you need to replicate tests for many servers in one LAN (1 HostMonitor or 1 RMA)
But HM Script should help (if you set "folder-specific" RMA for each folder)

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Post by sysadmber »

Yes every Windows Server runs it's own agent.

In the beginning we used remote calls, but we had some bad results with this.

Using agents solved a lot of issues like authentication with other windows domains, minimizes network traffic and hm server load.

Besides some limitations of hm I could only overcome with local executed powershell scripts. And there a some of them.

Because of all this we use tests by hm at a mimimum and use the agent instead on every server.

I will take a look at hm scripts, thanks
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Post by KS-Soft »

Yes, when you need to monitor several domains we recommend to use RMA. But we recommend 1 RMA per domain, so if you have 10 domains, you need 10 RMA agents.

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Post by KS-Soft »

Probably you need to use so many agents because powershell scripts cannot check remote systems?

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Post by sysadmber »

There are several reasons:

- Some Powershell Scripts cannot be executed remotely
- Sometimes there are network routing and firewall limitations, so that I need the status viewed from a specific system
- Sometimes unc resources are only accessable from one ip (License restriction)

Overall I personally would always choose agents over remote access. So I can use the full power of the system and don't have hassles to check whether an remote access is generally possible and matches security rules.

In case of powershell the load for the hm server is significally lower if every maschine executes it's own scripts.
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Post by KS-Soft »

I see.
Can Network discovery find all your systems without using agents? Then I think you may use Network Discovery to replicate tests. Just select results (new tests created by replicator), click Edit and choose "Test by: folder-specific agent".
And of course folders should fit pattern (e.g. %IP% or %hostname% should be used as folder name) and agent for each host should be specified in Folder Properties (Specials page)

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