How to have single graph with multiple values

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Posts: 22
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How to have single graph with multiple values

Post by pgobat »

hello all,
I have a script test which return me several values as shown above :

50% , 45 Mb, 23 Mb, 22 Mb

I only want to have a graph with the % value (in log analizer for instance) but i want to see all the values in hostmonitor..

Or ca i have a single graph ith all the values ?

Is it possible to do that with a special syntax ? ( i didn't found in the documentation)

Best Regards

KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Do you mean you want to have a filter by value? For instance, if you have the following replies in a row "50% , 45 Mb, 23 Mb, 22 Mb, 25%, 11 Mb, 70%", you want only "50%, 25%, 70%" have to be presented in a chart, right? Do I understand you properly? Or you have in mind something else?

Posts: 22
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Post by pgobat »

Yes right !!! :lol:

it would be nice to have the graph with all the values simultaneously but it is another subject

best regards
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Hm. Actually, there is no such a filter for log files... Do you use ODBC logging? If yes, you may filter values using "Add custom filte" option in "ODBC logs Manager" window in Log analyzer: ... dbcManager

Anyway, you may use the following trick. To this particular test you may assign an action profile with "Record HM log" action. Actions should be setup as "advanced mode" action with the following expression: ('%' in '%Reply%') and should write a record into specified log file ("Add record into specific log" option): ... htm#actLog
So, HostMonitor will write a record into specified log file if Reply contains '%' char only. After that you may load ths log file to Log Analyzer and produce the chart you want.

Also, I would recommend you to take a look at "Log Visualizer":

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Post by KS-Soft »

Do you mean all these values returned by script at once, as a single line "50% , 45 Mb, 23 Mb, 22 Mb"? So Reply field of the test shows "50% , 45 Mb, 23 Mb, 22 Mb"?
Well, then our software may not analyze results properly. Any script should return single value.

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