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      Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor: HTML Report Template dialog window (custom HTML reports) provides "Use selected template for all statuses" popup menu item on "Test items" page. It allows you to create single template and copy this template to use it for all statuses. Then these copies can be modified/edited separately.
  • RCC: undocumented "HostList" option allows you to specify list of hosts that will be displayed in "Host" drop down list of the Connection dialog. "Undocumented" means the option is not accessible thru GUI. If you want to specify list of hosts, you should add "HostList=<comma separated host list>" line into [Connection] section of rcc.ini file (e.g. HostList=, localhost, mainserver,
  • Web Service provides undocumented "charset" option that allows you to specify "charset" parameter of the "Content-Type" header field of the HTTP protocol (in other words, specify character set that should be used by web browser when it displays HM web interface). "Undocumented" means the option is not accessible thru GUI. If you want to specify character set, you should add "Charset=<ISO_10646_charset_name>" line into [HTML] section of webservice.ini file (e.g. Charset=windows-1251)
  • Other minor improvements were applied to HostMonitor, RCC, Log Analyzer and Web Service
      fixed The following issues were resolved:

  • HostMonitor: Drive Free Space test could work incorrectly with volumes over 2TB. Fixed.
  • HostMonitor: if application does not have access to ini file located in %SystemRoot% directory, application could not be closed. Fixed.
  • RCC: some operations could lead to "Folder not found" error. Fixed.
  • Web Service: Quick Log pane did not use specified color palette for WaitForMaster status. Fixed.

      Improved Improvements:

  • Folder/File Availability test method supports wildcards. Name of the detected file (1st matched file) can be retrieved with help of %FileName% macro variable
  • Optional PID file can be specified as parameter of rma.ini configuration file

      Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor: file related test methods may display probe results using terabyte units
  • HostMonitor: you may setup alert threshold for Drive Free Space and UNC tests using terabyte units
  • HostMonitor: Traffic Monitor test method offers options to setup alert threshold using Mbit/sec and Mbit/min units
  • Log Analyzer, Web Service: these tools were modified in order to support more formats of test results
  • HostMonitor, RMA: some modifications were applied to CPU Usage, Process, Performance Counter and UNC test methods. If you are using a lot of such tests without using some master test that verifies network connection to target remote systems, this may lead to significant resource usage in case of network failure. New version of the software works with system resources more gingerly in such case.
  • Web Service: uses different set of images for bright and dark color palettes
      fixed The following issue was resolved:

  • HostMonitor: minor bug in "Send message to Jabber" action was fixed

      Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor and RMA: redesigned SNMP Get test method. HostMonitor does not use Windows API anymore and supports SNMP v1, v2c and v3; it supports MD5 and SHA authentication but does not support encryption (privacy) yet.
    New "SNMP Credentials" dialog allows you to setup list of SNMP accounts and specify SNMP version and community string for each accont, plus additional parameters may be specified for SNMP agents that support version 3 of SNMP protocol: username, authentication method, password, conext name, etc.
    New option "Check OPAQUE data for float numbers" tells HostMonitor to check for single and double precision floating-point numbers that can be encoded as OPAQUE SNMP data and compare such numbers with specified value
  • HostMonitor: Views allow you to setup filter using test name. RCC and Web Service were modified as well in order to support this option
  • HostMonitor: 2 new macro variables can be used in Custom HTML report template: %ViewName% and %ViewComment%. Also %Folder% and %FolderComment% macro variables can be used for reports generated either on Folders-level or Views-level (in such case %Folder% equivalent to %ViewName% and %FolderComment% equivalent to %ViewComment%). In other words: %ViewName% and %ViewComment% variables can be used in Custom HTML report template designed for Views repots, while %Folder% and %FolderComment% macro variables can be used in any Custom HTML report.
  • HostMonitor, RCC: when you select single test item displayed in Views section, software displays full path to the test in status line (e.g. Root\USA Office\Web servers\
  • HostMonitor: optimized memory manager increases performance of the application
      fixed The following issues were resolved:

  • HostMonitor: "Send message to ICQ" action did not work correctly in version 6.75. Fixed
  • Web Service: if you chose option to sort test items using one of CommentLine#2 ... CommendLine#5 fields, Web Service sorted items by creation time. Fixed

  • HostMonitor, RCC: Minor GUI improvements
  • HostMonitor, RCC: 2 minor problems were resolved

     Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor: %MasterTests% macro variable returns list of master tests (items separated by CRLF characters). If test item depends on single master test or does not depend on any test, %MasterTests% and %MasterTest% variables are equivalent
  • HostMonitor: new macro variables provide information about result of HTTP test:
    - %HttpHeader% - complete HTTP header received from the server
    - %HttpCode% - HTTP status code received from the server. Also this variable may return winsock error codes in case web server is not accessible (e.g. you have specified incorrect server name)
  • RMA for Windows supports DICOM test method
  • Web Service: new web interface allows you to switch between Folders Tree and Views List

      Improved HostMonitor improvements:

  • DNS test: in addition to A type request (host address), HostMonitor may perform CNAME (canonical name), NS (authoritative server) and MX (mail routing information) requests
  • New macro variables %DnsResults% and %DnsResult% provide information about the results of DNS tests:
    - %DnsResults% provides information about all entities received from DNS server (items separated by CRLF characters)
    - %DnsResult% provides information about 1st entity only
    If DNS server reply contains single item (or no items at all), both variables are equivalent.
  • The following macro variables provide information about the file detected by Folder/File Availability test method: %FileName%, %FileSize%, %FileTime%
  • DashBoard reports may display up to 400 latest events at the bottom of the report
  • HostMonitor provides undocumented QuickLogSize option that allows you to specify size of Quick Log used by HostMonitor, RCC and Web Service.
    "Undocumented" means that the option is not accessible thru GUI. If you want to change default value (50), you should add "QuickLogSize=<size>" line into [Misc] section of hostmon.ini file (<size> is a number between 50 and 400, e.g. QuickLogSize=100).
      fixed The following issue was resolved:

  • "Export to text file" function did not allow you to export test items selected by the views. Fixed

      New feature New features (HostMonitor and RCC):

      Improved Improvements (HostMonitor):
  • Optional status processing options can be applied for SNMP Trap test items
  • Macro variables: if you need to access the parameters of some specific test item (not just the one that had triggered an action), you could specify the name of a test confined by a double colon (::) in front of the name of the macro variable. Now you may use name of the test (as before) or you may use unique test ID instead (e.g. %::Ping Yahoo::Reply% or %::55::Reply%).
    Note: to find out ID of the test items, you may use Custom HTML report with %TestID% macro variable
  • Macro variables: now you may retrieve summary information for specific folder using macro variables like %::<fullpath>::<folder_macro>% or %::<folderID>::<folder_macro>%. E.g. %::Root\Asia::FolderCurrent_BadTests% or %::12:: FolderCurrent_GoodTests%
    Note: You may find out FolderID using Folder Properties dialog (ID is displayed at the right bottom corner of the window)
  • Minor GUI improvements
      fixed The following issues were resolved:

  • HostMonitor: if you try to use more Remote Monitoring Agents than allowed by your license, memory leakage could occur. Fixed
  • MIB Browser: the main window could be displayed improperly on some systems (e.g. Tablet PC). Fixed
  • WMI Explorer: the main window could be displayed improperly on some systems (e.g. Tablet PC). Fixed

Views list

In addition to Folders tree (first introduced in HostMonitor 3.0), HostMonitor 6.70 provides another feature - Views list.

What is the difference between folders and views?

  • Folders contain static set of test items. "Static" means HostMonitor does not change set of test items, however operator may add or remove items from the folder, move or copy test items from one folder to another, etc.
  • Views do not "contain" test items, you cannot add or remove test items from the view. Instead you may specify rules that tell HostMonitor which test items should be displayed by the view. E.g. you may use one view to display disabled test items, use another view to display all ping test items with reply time over 500 ms and setup 3rd view to show test items that changed status in last 10 minutes.
What is common for folders and views?
  • For each folder and view you may specify its own set of reports, color palette, list of visible fields and sorting mode; or you may keep "Use inheritable settings from parent" option to use the same palette or sorting mode for set of views.
  • Folders and views allow you to select single test item or set of test items and modify the test(s) parameters, e.g. you may change test properties, enable or disable items, acknowledge test status, etc.
Top view
This is special view that cannot be removed. Top view neither provides "view criteria" nor "reports" settings; it does not display any test items. However using the top view you may easily change color palette, sorting mode or list of visible fields for all views with appropriate "Use inheritable settings from parent" option enabled.
If you choose personal color palete for the top view, HostMonitor will change color palette for all windows (including Trace and Telnet tools) when you switch from "folders tree" to "views list" and vice versa .

Each view has a number of properties which you may change using View Properties dialog.

Source folder
The View gets test items from some specific folder; this folder is called source folder or parent folder. You may choose absolutely any folder as source folder. If you remove source folder, HostMonitor will remove all vews related to the folder.

Include subfolders
If you enable "Include subfolders" option, view will select test items from the folder and its descendant subfolders. If you choose root folder as source folder and mark "Include subfolders" option, view will work with entire test list.
Note: Views display test items in a single list using single sorting operation for all items, while folders show test items grouped by subfolders and sort items within each group.

Other properties of the view are grouped on several pages in the dialog window:
View criteria page
Options located on this page define which test items should be displayed by the view. You may enable one or several filters:
  • Select items by status
  • Select items by test method
  • Select items by stats
  • Select items by test properties
Note: If you enable several filters, view will display test items that satisfy all of these filters (logical AND).

Select items by status
This option allows you to filter test items by status, e.g. view may display tests with a "Warning" or "Unknown" status only. Click mouse button on the check box next to a status name to mark/unmark the item. Use "Mark all" popup menu item to select all available statuses, use "Clear all" popup menu item to deselect all items.

Select items by test method
This option allows you to filter test items by test method, e.g. view may display Ping, TCP and UDP tests. Click the mouse button on the check box next to a test method name to mark/unmark the item. Use "Mark all" popup menu item to select all available test methods, use "Clear all" popup menu item to deselect all items.

Select items by stats
You may use this group of the settings to filter test items using statistical information. Use one of the following options:
  • Alive ratio > N%
  • Dead ratio > N%
  • Unknown ratio > N%
  • Reply > N
  • Reply < N
  • Status duration > N min
  • Status duration < N min

Select items by test properties:

This filter allows you to select test items by target object (target host/file/port/service/folder/process/etc monitored by the test items). Here you may specify hostname used for Ping, TCP, UDP, SMTP and other internet related tests, IP address or part of the address, filename used for the file related test methods, etc.
  • If you type "", the view will display test items that check host (it can be Ping, TCP, URL, HTTP or some other tests).
  • If you type "applog.txt", the view will display all test items that check file applog.txt (e.g. Folder/File Size, Text Log, File Integrity or Folder/File Availability test methods).
  • You may use "Target" filter to display all test items that monitor some specific process on various servers (use name of the process as target, e.g. ntvdm.exe) or you may use this filter to show all test items that monitor various processes on some specific server (use name of the server as target, e.g.
  • Also you may use full IP address or part of the IP address, e.g. "" tells HostMonitor to display all test items that check specific host, while "192.168.12" tells HostMonitor to display tests items that check any host in range 192.168.12 1- or *.192.168.12

This filter allows you to select test items by test comment. If you mark the option and provide some text, the view will display test item when any line of the test comment contains specified text (case insensitive).

Columns page
On this page you may define the list of visible fields (in other words the list of test attributes to display) and the list of attributes to sort tests by. If you keep "Use inheritable settings from parent" option, view will inherit settings from the top view that, in turn, may inherit global settings specified in the Options dialog.

Colors page
On this page you may select a color palette specific to the view. If you keep "Use inheritable settings from parent" option, view will inherit color scheme from the top view that, in turn, may inherit global settings specified in the Options dialog.

Reports page
Up to 6 individual reports can be associated with each view. If you keep "Use inheritable settings from parent" option, HostMonitor will not create separate reports for the view unless you specify this view as parameter of "Generate reports" action. "Use inheritable settings from parent" option also tells HostMonitor to include the view(s) into reports created for parent (source) folder when
  • You are using "Generate reports" action with "Folder + subfolders/views with inherited settings" option to create folder-level reports
  • You are using "Generate reports every N min" folder-level option
Global "reports" options located in the Options dialog do not generate reports for the views.
Note: view has its own filter (view criteria), while report profile has another filter. Reports generated for the view will show tests items that fit both (logical AND) filters.

Comment page
Text comment for informational purposes

      Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor: if you are using Full ODBC logging and ODBC driver does not support connection pooling, this could lead to significant resource usage. Now HostMonitor supports its own connection pooling, this helps to reduce CPU Usage
  • HostMonitor: new %TestedObjectInfo% macro variable provides information about an object that is checked by the test item (variable returns string value like 'MS SQL database "MainLog" on' or 'Win32 service "FAX"on')
  • Web Service: shows information about tested object on test properties page
  • RCC: requests UDV list when operator opens Test Properties dialog. This is necessary if you are using user defined variables for Warning/Normal expressions

      Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor: 3 new macro variables %FailureIteration%, %CurrentStatusIteration% and %LastSimpleStatus%
  • HostMonitor: now SMS module supports Z-text Fixed Line SMS modem
  • HostMonitor and RCC: some GUI improvements
  • Web Service: autoresfresh option for tiny and compact interfaces
      fixed The following issue was resolved:

  • HostMonitor: %AckRecurrences% variable could return nonzero value for non-acknowledged test items. Fixed, now it returns 0 for non-acknowledged items.

      Improved Improvements:

Slightly modified "optional status" processing. HostMonitor 6.51 performs the test, sets NEW macro variables without touching regular counters (Status, Reply, Recurrences), then HostMonitor checks "Warning" and "Normal" expressions and finally modifies current test status and statistic counters (Status, Reply, Alive%, Passed tests, Failed tests, etc).
In the expression you may use 4 new variables:
  • %SuggestedStatus%
  • %SuggestedSimpleStatus%
  • %SuggestedReply%
  • %SuggestedRecurrences%

This allows you to implement more complex behaviour. E.g. you may configure HostMonitor to use Normal status for 1st and 2nd failed probes, use Warning status for 3rd and 4th failed probes and set Bad status starting from 5th failed check:
  • enable "Treat Warning status as Bad" option
  • enable "Use Warning" status" option and provide ('%SuggestedSimpleStatus%'=='DOWN') and (%SuggestedRecurrences%<3) expression
  • enable "Use Normal status" option and use expression like ('%SuggestedSimpleStatus%'=='DOWN') and (('%Status%'=='Ok') or ('%LastStatus%'=='Ok'))
    Please note: Here you should use exact status value for "good" status ('Ok' or 'Host is alive') to differentiate 'Ok' status from 'Normal' (do not use %SimpleStatus% variable because it returns the same 'UP' string for 'Ok', 'Host is alive' and 'Normal' statuses).

      New feature New feature: user defined statuses

HostMonitor, Remote Control Console, Web Service and Log Analyzer were modified in order to provide new functionality - user defined test statuses (Warning and Normal).

When HostMonitor performs checks it may assign one of the following statuses as a result of the test probe:
  • Ok, Host is alive - "good" statuses;
  • Bad, No answer, Bad contents - "bad" statuses;
  • also HostMonitor may use "Unknown" and "Unknown host" statuses when it is impossible to perform the check.

Now you may specify for each test item additional options that tell HostMonitor to parse logical expressions and set "Warning" or "Normal" status when appropriate expression is True. This makes flexible HostMonitor even more customizable than ever.
For details please refer to "Optional status processing" section of the manual (Use Normal status, Use Warning status, examples)

What was changed in the package?

HostMonitor and RCC

  • Test Properties dialog offers new options:
    - Use Warning status
    - Use Normal status
    - Treat Warning as Bad
  • Modified Color Profiles dialog. HostMonitor offers new palette items for Normal and Warning statuses
  • Modified Report Profiles and Custom HTML report dialog windows. HostMonitor offers new filter/template items for Warning, and Acknowledged Warning statuses
  • %SimpleStatus% macro variable returns "WARNING" string for Warning test items when "Treat Warning as Bad" option is disabled; otherwise it returns "DOWN" string (the variable returns "UNKNOWN" and "DOWN" for Unknown tests accordingly)
  • HMscript: you may use new parameter "_AllWarning" instead of name of the test (e.g. if you need to disable all test items in Warning status)
  • New %WarningTests% and %AckWarningTests% variables may be used in HTML reports - return number of "Warning" test items and number of acknowledged warning items accordingly
  • New %FolderCurrent_WarningTests%', %FolderCurrent_AcknowledgedWarning% variables supported by Custom HTML reports - return information about warning items for each listed folder
  • New %HM_WarningItems%, %HM_AckWarnItems%, %FolderCurrent_WarningTests%, %FolderCurrent_AcknowledgedWarning% macro valiables may be used as parameters of the actions
Web Service
  • Added "Warning" item to test status filter (User Preferences)
  • Modified Color Profiles dialog windows. Web Service offers new color items for Normal and Warning statuses
  • Regular, Compact and Tiny interfaces offer new links to Warning test items list
  • Now "Office1 (70/3/1)" record means folder "Office1" contains 70 "good" test items, 3 "bad" and/or "warning", 1 "unknown" test item
Log Analyzer
  • Chart may display Normal and Warning items using different colors. You may setup new colors on Chart page in the Options dialog.
      Improved Other improvements:
  • HostMonitor: if you are using SNMP Trap test items with "Set Ok status if no Bad trap received within N sec" option, HostMonitor set "Ok" status to the test item when there are no messages received within specified time interval or when received messages don't meet conditions of the "Bad" filter.
    Now SNMP Trap test offers new option: "Increment counters when no messages received". With this option enabled HostMonitor sets the status AND increments Recurrences and statistical counters every N seconds. This allows the use of escalation alerts even if HostMonitor does not receives any messages from monitoring device. Of course the same rule applies to "Set Bad status if no Ok trap received within N sec".
  • RCC: new option "Play sound when connection to HostMonitor is lost"
      fixed The following issues were resolved:

  • If you setup "good" action with "action depends on bad one" option and you acknowledge "bad" test status and stop alerts before HostMonitor triggers "bad" action, HostMonitor would start "good" action anyway. Fixed
  • Previous version of HostMonitor could leave unnecessary </table> tags in HTML log files. Fixed

      Improved Improvements: HostMonitor

  • HTTP and URL test methods offer new macro variable %HostURL%
  • As you know "Consider status of the master test obsolete after N seconds" option tells HostMonitor for how long a Master test status is considered to be up-to-date. If Master test was performed more than N seconds ago, HostMonitor will recheck the Master test item before checking dependant items.
    Now HostMonitor makes an exception for SNMP Trap test methods. If such test is used as Master test, its status never considered as obsolete. In other words status of SNMP Trap Master test will always be considered as up-to-date, regardless of the time when last trap message was received.
  • Minor GUI improvements

      New features New features: HostMonitor, Remote Control Console and Web Service

  • Links. HostMonitor, Remote Control Console and Web Service were modified in order to provide new functionality - Links.
    Links allow you to put the same test item(s) into several different folders. Unlike "copy" operation that creates independent copy of the test item, "link" operation does not create another test item - it creates link (image) of the test item. What is the difference?
    Copy: If you need to create test item similar to existing one and then change some parameters of the new item (e.g. you need similar test items to check set of services on different servers), use Copy operation. Copy will create new test item(s) with the same properties, then you will be able to modify each item independently; HostMonitor will perform separate check for each item.
    Link: If you want to see exactly the same test item(s) in several different folders, use Link operation. If you select original test or any of its links and modify test settings, your changes will automatically take effect for all links of the test.
    Working with links
    "Link" function available through the main menu Test and from the context popup menu (to access the popup menu select the test(s) and click right mouse button). Also if you select test item that already has some links, you will see new "Links info" menu item. Using this menu item you may access "Links list" dialog window, it shows the information about all folders which contain links to selected test item. You may remove some links or you may remove test itself (including all links to the test).
    If test changes its status, HostMonitor will reflect status change in all folders which contain links to the item. The same is true for any test modifications. If you select any of the links and then disable, enable, pause or resume the item, acknowledge test status or change some parameters of the test, you will see the same effect in all folders with linked test item.
    However if you select some test/link items and click "Remove" button, HostMonitor will remove only selected items. E.g. if you select 2 of 3 links to the same test item and click Remove button, HostMonitor will remove 2 selected links but keep 3rd one. If you want to remove all links to the test, you should select all links or use "Links list" dialog.
    Parent folder
    If you take a look at the test list, original test item and all of its links look exactly the same (unless you are using different color palettes for different folders). The reports will show tests and links, RCC and Web Service will display links as well. So, there is no difference which item is original and which item just a link? Almost. There is only one function that makes the difference - actions. If you are using folder related macro variables (e.g. %FCommentLine1% or %FullPath%) as parameter of some actions, HostMonitor will use parameters of the parent folder - original folder where test was created.
    If you create a link to the test in another folder, the parent folder is still the same. If you then move a link to a different folder, the parent is still the same. However if you move original item to a different folder, HostMonitor will change the parent folder of the test. Also if you remove the original item while keeping the link, HostMonitor will reassign the parent folder to the folder where link is located. If your test items have many links and you are not sure which one is original, use "Links list" dialog window, it will show the parent folder and the list of the links.
    Links and "Home folder" option
    The "Home folder" option allows you to limit access to the folders on per-account basis. What happens when operator does not have access to the entire test list but has access to some low-level folder and this folder contains some links while other links to the same test located above allowed home folder? Operator will be able to work with this test item and modifications will have effect in all linked folders (of course operator should have necessary rights to perform operation, e.g. "configure test/folder" permission).
    Operator may remove only links located within its home folder; it cannot remove links/tests located outside of the scope (even using "Links list" dialog window).
    Other notes:
    1. Linked items show slightly different status icons, so you know when your modifications will have effect in several folders.
    2. Test Properties dialog shows yellow warning icon when you are editing linked test item. You may click on the icon to bring up "Links list" dialog.
    3. Estimated Load window shows information about links as well (just for informational purpose - links create minimum increase in system load).
    4. If you want to remove entire folder, HostMonitor will ask for confirmation when the folder contains subfolders or test items. If the folder contains links only, it will be removed without confirmation.
    5. When you export tests using "export current folder" or "export current folder and subfolders" option, HostMonitor exports tests located in the folder then it exports links (items whose parent folder located outside of the scope but one of the test links located within scope). This allows you to find and modify or remove links easily.
    6. Import function may create links as well (use "LinkedTo=<full_folder_name>" parameter)
      New features New features: RMA
  • Now Remote Monitoring Agent (RMA) is available for NetBSD and OpenBSD systems
  • New Shell Scripts. Shell Scripts were modified in order to support NetBSD and OpenBSD systems. If you have used old versions of HostMonitor and you plan to use RMA for NetBSD and/or OpenBSD, please take the following steps:
    1. install the new version of the software using "Update/Repair" installation mode (as usual);
    2. open Script Manager dialog and use Import function to import new scripts from "aix11.exp" file;
    3. then you may adjust or remove old versions of the following scripts:
      Process: # of instances
      Process: %CPU usage (average)
      Process: Mem usage
      Process: VM usage
      SYSTEM: # of processes (runnable)
      SYSTEM: # of processes (total)
      SYSTEM: # of processes (zombie)
      SYSTEM: Mem Free
      USER: # of processes
      Improved Improvements: HostMonitor
  • SNMP Trap test method: new option allows to set Ok status by acknowlegment only (manually)
  • HMScript: "NewTestList" command supports new optional parameter: DiscardChanges. Use "NewTestList DiscardChanges" command to create new test list without saving current list of tests.
      fixed The following issues were resolved:

  • "Send message to Jabber" action did not work with Wildfire server. Fixed.
  • "Send message to ICQ" action: client code was modified to fit protocol modifications applied by ICQ Inc.
  • Other minor improvements.

      Improved Improvements: HostMonitor and RCC

  • Color Profiles dialog offers new option "Checking status should not alter the colors"
  • Test Properties dialog: new "irregular schedule" option was implemented "Start the test once a day"
  • Report Manager offers new sorting options
  • Shell Scripts were modified in order to support AIX systems (RMA for AIX Beta available as well). If you have used old versions of HostMonitor and you plan to use RMA for AIX, please do the following steps:
    1. install new version of the software using "Update/Repair" installation mode (as usual);
    2. open Script Manager dialog and use Import function to import new scripts from aix11.exp file;
    3. then you may adjust or remove old versions of the following scripts:
      Process: # of instances
      Process: %CPU usage (average)
      Process: VM usage
      SYSTEM: # of processes (runnable)
      SYSTEM: # of processes (total)
      SYSTEM: # of processes (zombie)
      SYSTEM: Mem Free
      USER: # of processes

      Improved Improvements: HostMonitor

  • Redesigned logging module. Now you may specify Primary and Backup common logs. For each log you may choose different log type (ODBC or File), file format (HTML, Text or DBF) and logging mode (Full, Brief, Midnight or Reply). E.g. you may use Full logging mode for primary ODBC log managed by your SQL server and use Brief logging mode for backup HTML log stored on local hard drive.
    HostMonitor can switch from primary to backup log when necessary or use both logs at the same time. Also HostMonitor may execute specified alert profiles when primary or backup logs are not accessible.
    Please note
    Note #1 If you have used previous versions of HostMonitor, check log settings after upgrade to version 6.20+ (new options located on 4 new pages in the Options dialog: "Primary log", "Backup log", "System log" and "Log processing").
    Note #2: As you know Test Properties dialog allows you to specify different common and private logging mode on per test basis. If you keep "Default" mode for common log, HostMonitor will use logging mode specified for current log file (it can be different for Primary and Backup logs). While "Default" mode for private log tells HostMonitor to use logging mode specified for Primary log.
    Note #3: If you are using Log Analyzer and you have chosen "ODBC" primary log, you should describe database parameters using "ODBC logs Manager" dialog (that is available thru Log Analyzer menu File -> Setup ODBC logs) and mark "Use this source as default" option. This will allow you to use ODBC logs for "Statistics" feature (HostMonitor: menu Test -> Show statistics).

  • 5 new macro variables can be used as parameters of actions
    - %FolderCurrent_GoodTests% - Number of the test items (in the folder*) those have "Good" status
    - %FolderCurrent_BadTests% - Number of the test items (in the folder*) those have "Bad" status
    - %FolderCurrent_UnknownTests% - Number of the test items (in the folder*) those have "Unknown" status
    - %FolderCurrent_AcknowledgedBad% - Number of "Bad" acknowledged test items in the folder*
    - %FolderCurrent_AcknowledgedUnknown% - Number of "Unknown" acknowledged test items in the folder*
    *folder means the folder that contains the test which has triggered action execution.

  • Connection Manager allows you to use '*' for "resource name" and "domain name" records. Note: it is possible to use '*' for resource and SPECIFIC name of the domain

  • New "Send message to Jabber" action allows you to send messages to Jabber clients

  • Now you may specify host names and/or host descriptions in HostInfo.LST file and use %TrapHostInfo% macro variable in actions triggered by SNMP Trap test method. Sample HostInfo.LST file included in the package

  • HostMonitor and RMA: Ping test method offers new option "Do not fragment" (tells HostMonitor to use IP_FLAG_DF flag)
      Improved Improvements: RCC
  • Previous version of RCC always used default system date format specified on the host where RCC is started. Now you may mark "Use fixed date&time" option (Misc page in the Options dialog) to use the same date and time format on any system.
      Improved Improvements: Log Analyzer
  • Optimized image generator works much faster, especially if you are using big images for your reports. E.g. if you are using charts 800x600, new Log Analyzer will create report about 3 times faster
  • "Use this source as default" option allows you to use ODBC logs for "Statistics" feature. Option located in "ODBC logs Manager" dialog
      fixed The following issues were resolved:

  • HostMonitor: fixed unit error in Traffic Monitor test method
  • HostMonitor, RCC: it was not possible to use WMI test as Master test. Fixed
  • HostMonitor: GSM module: by mistake it used "backup" baud rate for both (primary and backup) modems. Fixed
  • HostMonitor: GSM module: SMS logging could fail if the file name contains space characters. Fixed
  • HostMonitor started in service mode could lead to GDI resource leakage under some circumstances. Fixed

      Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor and RCC: after initial acknowlegement of bad test item, "acknowledgement" comment can be amplified by other local and remote operators
  • HostMonitor: new command supported by HM Script: AckTestStatus <TestName> [StopAlerts] [<Comment>] - acknowledges failed test item(s)
  • HostMonitor: "Send e-mail" action removes trailing semicolon(s) (if any) from list of recipients. This should be useful if you are using various macro variables and some of them may represent an empty string
      fixed The following issue was resolved:

  • Web Service: if you are using Web Service version 2.72, then under some circumstances due to cache issue operator could see test items that belong to other operator. Fixed.

      Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor and RCC: optimized memory manager increases performance of the applications, especially on multiprocessor systems

      fixed The following issues were resolved:

  • HostMonitor and RCC: under some circumstances memory leak occurs in HostMonitor version 6.00 Beta and 6.02 Beta; RCC version 1.50 Beta. Fixed
  • HostMonitor: if you are using "Reply" logging mode for some test items, HostMonitor could record several consecutive WaitForMaster statuses into log. Fixed.

      Improved Improvements:

  • HostMonitor & RMA for Windows: HostMonitor may request agent to retrieve list of ODBC Data sources from the remote system while you are editing ODBC Query test item
  • Web Service provides new option "Do not wrap text at the right margin", located on Preferences page
  • Improved SMS spooler
      fixed The following issues were resolved:

  • GUI: If test item was disabled by HostMonitor version 5, HostMonitor 6.00 could not enable such test. Fixed
  • GUI: Fixed minor issue with "Time restriction" property of the actions

      New feature(s) HostMonitor and Remote Control Console: Major changes

  • "Home Folder" option
    Advanced Host Monitor package includes Web Service (since version 4) and Remote Control Console (since version 5) that allows the HostMonitor to be managed remotely. HostMonitor supports different permissions for each user. For example, one operator can edit test items while another may change reports profiles and color templates. Any operator that has necessary rights for remote administration has access to ALL test items.
    HostMonitor version 6 provides a "home folder" option that can be specified for each operator. If you do so, each operator will see test items within their own specified folder (and its subfolders) only. In this way, you may easily separate work/permissions between departments of a company. This option is located in the User Profiles dialog window.
    Note: An operator that works with HostMonitor's GUI on a local system will have access to the entire test list as in previous versions.

  • Backup RMA and Load balancing
    Remote Monitoring Agent (RMA) allows monitoring remote networks protected by firewall. Single RMA installed on some server in that network allows you to monitor entire network. In the event of RMA server dying, HostMonitor will alert you but it will not be able to continue monitoring of that network until the problem is fixed.
    HostMonitor version 6 allows you to setup primary and backup agents. Using this feature, HostMonitor is able to balance load between agents and use the backup agent when primary one does not respond. When you have installed second agent you may choose one of two different "Load balancing" options:
    • Backup only
      In this case, HostMonitor will request the main agent to perform the tests and will switch to backup agent only in the case of the primary agent not responding.
    • 50/50
      With this option selected, HostMonitor will balance requests for service between the agents. Even if you specify a single primary agent for all your tests, some tests will be performed by primary agent and other by backup RMA. If the primary or the backup agent does not respond, tests will be performed by another (paired) RMA.
    Note 1: "primary agent" - the agent that is specified for the test execution. As you may specify different agents for different test items, the same agent can be a "primary" and "backup", depending on the situation. For example, you may use AgentA to perform set of WMI tests and use AgentB to perform SNMP tests. In case of an emergency AgentB may execute WMI tests as well (AgentB is backup agent for AgentA). AgentA may perform SNMP tests in the case of AgentB failing (AgentA is backup agent for AgentB).
    Note 2: New options on Misc page allow the behaviour of the tests when primary agent does not respond to be specified. "If backup agent is specified and connection to primary RMA failed" parameter allows you to choose one of the two options:
    • Set "Unknown" status, log the error, then repeat test using backup agent
    • Request backup agent without reporting error

  • Pause/Resume tests
    HostMonitor allows monitoring and/or alerts to be paused for a specified amount of time (entire monitoring) and it allows specific test items to be disabled/enabled. This allows IT staff to stop testing for servers that are under maintenance but if there are many servers, operators may forget to re-enable the test items when work is completed.
    Version 6.00 provides a new option - Pause/Resume specific test items. This allows administrators to pause monitoring for several servers for a specific amount of time, e.g. next 20 min or till June 21 at 17:30hrs at which time HostMonitor will resume monitoring automatically. The Pause/Resume options are available through the main menu "Test" and from the context popup menu.

      Improved HostMonitor and Remote Control Console: GUI improvements
  • "Sort by" popup menu allows you to sort items (profiles) by name, creation time or by type. This option is supported in the following dialog windows:
    Color Profiles
    Mail Profiles
    Report Profiles
    Action Profiles
    User Profiles
    Script Manager (Script Manager provided "sort" options in previous versions. In version 6, the popup menu was implemented for consistency with other dialog windows)
    To bring up the menu, click right mouse button on the list of the profiles

  • "Columns" popup menu allows the changing of the number of columns (1,2 or 3) for the list of profiles. You may use different settings for each of the following windows:
    Color profiles
    Mail profiles
    Report profiles
    Action profiles

  • Quick Log pane: There is a new popup menu item "Find the test". This allows for a test that generated the selected log record to be found quickly and is useful when the Quick Log shows records for entire folder.

      Improved  New feature(s) HostMonitor: Tests
  • New Mail Relay test method to monitor chain of mail servers. HostMonitor sends an e-mail thru specific mail server and checks when the mail becomes available in target mailbox. HostMonitor sends special mail using SMTP protocol and checks the target mailbox using POP3 or IMAP protocol.
  • Temperature Monitor test method supports the U16 (universal temperature monitor) unit from Sensatronics
  • When operator enables/resumes a test, HostMonitor always logs a record AFTER following test probe (even if the status of the test does not change). This clearly shows the exact time when the test was enabled.
  • Now "Threat Unknown status as bad" option is allowed for ALL test methods. Test can be performed by RMA and return unknown status in case of RMA failure.
  • New date macro variable %jjj% may be used to specify name of the file for file related test methods, such as File/Folder Availability, Count Files, Text Log, etc. This variable represents the day of the year as a three digit decimal number in the range of 001 to 366.

      Improved  New feature(s) HostMonitor: Actions & Macro variables
  • New action "Send SMS" sends SMS messages through a GSM modem (cell phone) connected to the system where HostMonitor is running. New GSM related settings can be specified on the GSM page in the Options dialog
  • "Restart service" action provides new option "Do not start service if it was stopped prior to execution of the action". Useful when you want to stop service (e.g. for maintenance purpose) without disabling the test.
  • New macro variables %h%, %hh%, %n%, %nn% may be used:
    • in templates designed for Custom HTML reports
    • as a value in a User Defined variable
    • as part of a URL (URL test method)
    • as a search string used by "Check contents" option (URL or HTTP test method)
    • %h% represents current hour without a leading zero (0-23)
    • %hh% represents current hour with a leading zero (00-23)
    • %n% current minute without a leading zero (0-59)
    • %nn% current minute with a leading zero (00-59).
  • New macro variable %HM_RccSessions% represents number of active RCC sessions
  • New macro variable %httppage% can be used as parameter of an action triggered by the URL or HTTP test method. %httpage% variable may be empty if you setup HostMonitor to check HTTP response only, without checking content or CRC of the page. HTTP test returns an empty string if a HEADER request is used. It also returns an empty string when a monitored web server does not respond.
    Note: HostMonitor will not show more than the first 32768 (32K) characters of the web page, RMA returns only the first 2048 (2K) characters of the page.
  • New date macro variable %jjj% represents the day of the year as a three digit decimal number in the range of 001 to 366

      Improved HostMonitor: other
  • New logging option - "Log: record info about inactive statuses (Disabled, Wait for Master, Paused)". This option is located on the Misc page in the Options dialog. If this option is disabled, HostMonitor will not record information about "inactive" test statuses.
  • "Undocumented" DBFReplySize option allows you to setup size of "Reply" field for DBF log file. To specify size of Reply field, add "DBFReplySize=NN" line into [Misc] section of hostmon.ini file, where NN specifies size in characters (bytes). For example, DBFReplySize=40 reserves 40 characters for Reply field when a DBF file is being created.
  • "Undocumented" ODBC_UseDoubleSlash option directs HostMonitor to replace \ (back slash) with \\ in every variable used in SQL query. This may be necessary for some SQL servers, e.g. MySQL 5.0.
    "Undocumented" means that the option is not accessible thru GUI and you should add "ODBC_UseDoubleSlash=1" line into [Misc] section of hostmon.ini file.
  • "Undocumented" ODBCLog_NoPercentSign option directs HostMonitor to remove trailing percent sign (%) from test related macro variables (such as %Reply%, %AliveRatio%, %DeadRatio%...) if the macro variable is used in SQL query. This may be useful for ODBC Logging.
    "Undocumented" means that the option is not accessible thru GUI and you should add a "ODBCLog_NoPercentSign=1" line into [Misc] section of hostmon.ini file.

      Fixed problem(s) HostMonitor: The following issues were resolved:
  • ODBC Query test method could return wrong value for BIGINT fields. Fixed
  • If HostMonitor starts both "Show popup window" and "Play sound" actions for some test, it sent just 1st action to RCC. Fixed

      Improved RMA for Windows
  • "Restart service" action supports a new option: "Do not start service if it was stopped prior to execution of the action"
  • URL and HTTP test methods may return first 2048 (2K) characters of the page to be used by %httppage% macro variable.

      Improved RMA Manager
  • This version allows the setup of primary and backup agents. This enables HostMonitor to balance the load between agents and use a backup agent when the primary one does not respond (see Backup RMA and Load balancing section above)
  • Import/Export feature (menu File) uses a new format of CSV (comma separated values) file. Now this file includes 2 additional fields: BackupAgent (name of the backup agent, if any) and BalanceMode (word "backup" or "50/50")

      Improved Log Analyzer
  • Supports new Mail Relay test method
  • Processes new "Paused" test status. Log Analyzer handles this status similar to "Out of schedule" status.
  • Report Manager dialog: new popup menu "Sort by" allows you to sort report profiles by name or by creation time.
  • Report Manager dialog: new popup menu "Columns" allows changing number of columns (1,2 or 3) for the list of the profiles.

      Improved Web Service
  • New version generates test list pages about twice as fast and produces more compact HTML code than in previous versions.
  • Paused tests: you may setup filter to show or hide paused test items ("Display only tests that have following statuses" option on Preferences page)
  • Quick Log panel provides links to test properties. Click on the name of the test and the Web Service will display the Test Properties window
  • Web Service was modified to support "Home Folder" option (see Major changes section above).

      Improved MIB Browser
  • MIB compiler has been improved.

Latest versions
Archive: versions 8.00 - 8.86
Archive: versions 7.00 - 7.78
Archive: versions 6.00 - 6.82
Archive: versions 5.00 - 5.92
Archive: versions 4.00 - 4.86
Archive: versions 0.80 - 3.71

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