Hostmonitor Test No answer due to Hostmonitor default = IE

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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Hostmonitor Test No answer due to Hostmonitor default = IE

Post by Roel »


We are on Hostmonitor version 12.61 currently running on Server 2016 and certain web result tests are failing on this version.

This to the fact that the new monitoring pages we are trying to monitor are made in a version no longer compatible with Internet Exlplorer.
Result, blank page in IE and faulty test.

Is there a way to let Hostmonitor use another browser by default than Internet Explorer.

Or is this issue fixed in a newer version were you can choose the browser it uses or where maybe the default is EDGE?

Thanks in advance,

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Post by KS-Soft »

>web result tests are failing

URL test method?
HostMonitor does not use IE and does not render web pages. It does not care if you have correct scripts and HTML on the page.

HostMonitor uses Windows API (and probably the same API used by IE) for connection and SSL/TLS negotiation (not for all tests but for URL test Windows API is used)
"No answer" means there is no answer from the server at all OR there are SSL related problems. So, if web server uses some ciphers/protocols missed or disabled on this Windows system then test will fail.

What TLS versions and ciphers supported by this web server?
Can you provide URL?

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Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:17 am

>web result tests are failing

Post by Roel »

Hello Alex,

Thank you for the quick reply.

Below an example of the url used in the URL TEST.
All our webservers use TLS 1.2.

https://servername.domain:443/Applicati ... althchecks

Thanks in advance,

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Post by KS-Soft »

We cannot use fake URL for testing. If you cannot provide access to web server, please check list of supported ciphers by yourself.

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