Change Status to bad/warning after x failed tests

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Change Status to bad/warning after x failed tests

Post by m.dauwa »

Switch a test (PING, CPU>xx%) only to bad/warning when this test 1..2..3x fail.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Quote from the manual ... processing

Example #3: You need to monitor a device that works unreliably - often changes its status from "good" to "bad" and vice versa and you want to be alerted when the device definitely is "dead", not just lost network connection for a minute. Then you may enable "Treat Warning status as Bad", mark "Use Warning status" option and use expression like
('%SuggestedSimpleStatus%'=='DOWN') and (%SuggestedRecurrences%<4)
In such case HostMonitor will use Warning status for initial 3 failed probes and change status to Bad after 4th failed check.
Note 1: You need to enable "Treat Warning status as Bad" option to avoid reset of "recurrences" counter.
Note 2: Most likely you will use "Start when 4 consecutive Bad results occur" option for the actions assigned to such test item.

Similarly you may enable "Use Normal status" option and use expression like
('%SuggestedSimpleStatus%'=='UP') and (%SuggestedRecurrences%<4)

Example #4: you may configure HostMonitor to use Normal status for 1st and 2nd failed probes, use Warning status for 3rd and 4th failed probes and set Bad status starting from 5th failed check:
enable "Use Warning status" option and provide (%FailureIteration% > 2) and (%FailureIteration% < 5) expression
enable "Use Normal status" option and use expression like (%FailureIteration% > 0) and (%FailureIteration% < 3)

You could setup "advanced" alerts (actions) to use similar alerting scheme since version 4.0. HostMonitor 6.50 allows you to setup visual distinction between such test items: different colors, different reports, etc.

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