Drive Free Space Test - Get Total Disk Size

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Drive Free Space Test - Get Total Disk Size

Post by sysadmber »

I use the test Drive Free Space (WMI) via agent.

In the Reply value the Free Space is shown. How can I access the total drive size?

I want to format the Reply to show both infos: e.g.:

Free: 20,5 GB / Total: 30 GB


I need to know how the bad test returns to OK state. Is it because of increased free space or is it because of increased total space.

Is this possible?

HM v.11.36 is used.

Server ranges from Windows Server 2003 to 2016.

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Post by KS-Soft »

There is no such option.
HostMonitor may show FreeSize - FreePercentage, if this helps..

Also, if you setup test to check free percentage and set "Tune up Reply value " option using expression like [('%DISKFREESIZE%' div %SuggestedReply_Integer%)*100] - %SuggestedReply% then you will see total size and free space percentage (but total size will be in bytes)

We can add new variable in next version...

Posts: 50
Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:26 am

Post by sysadmber »

Hello Axel,

thanks. I wait for the new version because we always test for fixed values, not free percentage.

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