reverse logging

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reverse logging

Post by menno »

Hi HM team

is it possible to write the system logging in reverse ?
so the latest ( recent ) line ON TOP of the log.

somewhere in this screen ..

In this case we can allways open the log ( in our case html log ) in a seperate window.

Many thanks in advace
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Post by KS-Soft »

This means you want to rewrite entire 500 MB file (for example) for every new record.
Pretty bad idea

Posts: 157
Joined: Fri May 21, 2010 1:27 am

Post by menno »

Yes Alex thats NOT a smart thing to do ;-)

We have maybe found an other solution to send all logging to SPLUNK. That works great.

But i have a question:
Will there be in the future an syslog option available ?
So ALL logging to a syslog server ??


The systemlog is a HTM file but can this be changed to an plain text file ?
also the operations log is an XML file but can this be changed to an plain text file ?
In this case we can use NXlog to send the plain logging to our SPLUNK ( syslog) server.

Many thanks in advance
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Post by KS-Soft »

There is Syslog action, it can send test results to syslog server.

Regarding system log and user operations log - quote from the manual

File name
If you enable this log, you should specify file name for the log using .html, .txt, .dbf or .xml file extension. HostMontor will choose file format accordingly to specified file extension:
Text - simple TSV (tab separated values) text file
DBF - dBase file that can be opened by various database applications including Excel and Access
HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, can be viewed by any modern web browser
XML - the most versatile file format. It can be used for data import and processing; also data from XML file can be displayed directly by web browsers. There is userlogstyle1.xsl file - sample XSLT file (styles for XML file) that can be used with XML log. You may easily modify these styles or create your own styles and filters.
Also for group operations (e.g. you pause or disable set of selected test items) this format provides most compact records.

Posts: 157
Joined: Fri May 21, 2010 1:27 am

Post by menno »

thx Alex

i understand when you say :
here is Syslog action, it can send test results to syslog server.
But wil there be a syslog option to send allthe logging to a syslog server ?
(not the test results but system log)
if not we are going to use the TXT option and use Nxlog to send the logs to our syslog server.

In all cases many many thanks for all the great support !
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Post by KS-Soft »

But wil there be a syslog option to send allthe logging to a syslog server ?
Its possible but there is no such option yet.
We are working on maps

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