Odd behaviour of refresh

General chat about HostMonitor (all messages posted before March 07, 2003 available here).
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2003 6:00 pm
Location: Switzerland

Post by Wbtrans »

I noticed that often when some tests fail and I click the REFRESH button, they still fail although I believe they should run ok. I tried to right-click on the selected test and click on "Refresh selected test(s)". Guess what? The test immediately shows the OK status. If then I click again on the REFRESH button in the toolbar, the same test again goes BAD (although nothing is wrong with the test condition). Clicking on "Refresh selected test" again gets the test back to GOOD state.
This is really quite difficult to understand!! Either a test is OK or it is BAD! Why should it turn BAD when I click on REFRESH and GOOD again when I refresh just this test, although the test condition has not changed !!??

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Location: USA

Post by KS-Soft »

So, test fails when HostMonitor sends many requests. Its posible situation (especially if you have slow network) and usually you may fix it by changing some settings (e.g. timeout).

Explanation may be simple may be not. What test method do you use? If for example you use Ping test and also you have many TCP tests and you start all tests together, Ping test may fail because ICMP packets have lower priority than TCP packets. To fix problem just increase "Packets" property of the test. Also may be you use too small timeout value.

Its just example. For more correct answer please provide more information:
- HostMonitor version
- Windows version
- how many and what kind of tests do you use
- settings of test that fails
You may send information by e-mail to support@ks-soft.net
