is this a bug? (Alert Profile)

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is this a bug? (Alert Profile)

Post by o.ferreira »

Hi guys,

Was changing an "Alert Profile" for a specific probe, and now ALL of the probes got that same Alert Profile, somehow.

This is a bummer's a bummer.

We're using version 9.90 - is this a known bug?

Thank you.
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Post by KS-Soft »

What exactly means changing an "Alert Profile" for a specific probe?

If you selected single test item, opened Test Properties dialog and chose different alert profile from the list, this should not effect other test items (never have seen a problem here).

If you opened Action Profiles dialog and modified action profile (e.g. added new action), then of course this will effect all tests that use this action profile.

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Post by o.ferreira »

Thank you for your reply, Alex.

Here's what puzzles me:
If I update an Alert profile (even inside a specific test) it changes for all tests.

So how can I insert different "Dead" actions per test?
Can I have dead actions without an Alert profile? because when I select one in the list, and change it, it updates for all.

So, basically, how do I have two tests having different REactions, WITHOUT selecting an Alert profile for them at all?
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Post by KS-Soft »

So, basically, how do I have two tests having different REactions, WITHOUT selecting an Alert profile for them at all?
I am confused, this sounds like you are using some other software, not HostMonitor.
If you are using HostMonitor, then your question does not make any sense.

- If you do not select any alert profile for test item, then of course no actions will be started.

- If you select the same profile for several tests, then of course the same actions will be triggered when any of these tests fail.

- If you modify action profile (e.g. add new action into profile), then of course this will affect all tests that uses this action profile.

- If you want to "have two tests having different REactions" then you need 2 different alert profiles

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Post by o.ferreira »

I think I understand what you're saying: I will need one Alert profile Per test - sure some can be shared but majority not - was not expecting this.

Example: One (same) ODBC query for two different servers but I want different reactions - bang, two Alert profiles..
Sure, I can script the hell out of the profile to make it as 'Class' like as possible, but that's not sustainable..

I think I was expecting the same power for "Reaction" that you have for monitoring.
And that is not there, because I need one profile to react.. how many reactions will have the same parameters?? very few profiles can be shared.

I'm still confused, I guess. You already have the possibility to perform actions.. Why not give users the flexibility to use it?

Why would I need a profile to react and perform actions?? why not just a sequence of steps/actions? if this, then do that..?

Perhaps I'm missing something.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Why would I need a profile to react and perform actions?? why not just a sequence of steps/actions?
Because its much more easy to modify 1 profile assigned to 100 tests then modify 100 test one by one - add/remove actions for each test item.
Normally you don't need 1000 alert profiles for 1000 test items. Normally 10-20 alert profiles is enough for thousand of tests and we think its much easier to manage 10 profiles that 10000.

When you need unique alert profile, I do not see any problem - just create new profile (5 sec to type profile name - all extra time you need).
On the other hand when you can use one profile for 1000 tests, you save a lot of time.
So you still have all flexibility when you need unique settings and you don't have to spend extra time when you use one profile for set of tests.
very few profiles can be shared
Why? Do you use just 10 test items with totally different actions? Then Ok, create 10 alert profiles.
Normally our customers use 10,000 test items and one alert profile can be used for hundreds of tests.
E.g. if you monitor 1000 services on 500 servers, why do you need 1000 alert profiles? Normally you can use 1 profile for all these tests. E.g. if you need to restart monitored service, just use %ServiceName% and %ServiceComp% variables as parameters of the action. If you need to send e-mail to different admins, just use folder-level variables to store mailbox name (or use test comment lines for this purpose). This way you can easily modify just one profile when you need some adjustments (e.g. add new action) or modify just one folder variable (e.g. change admin e-mail address)
Example: One (same) ODBC query for two different servers but I want different reactions - bang, two Alert profiles..
What exactly means "different reactions"?
One test should send e-mail when fails, another test should restart service? Then yes, you need different profiles (and 5 extra sec to type profile name).
Or you actually need the same actions (e.g. send e-mail and start external program) just using different parameters (e.g. different target mailbox)? Then you don't need 2 alert profiles, 1 is enough
Please read the manual ... .htm#macro

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Post by o.ferreira »

Thank you so much, Alex, I get it now.

It just feels restrictive and claustrophobic - that window is tiny, can't imagine having dozens of profiles to navigate.
For a newcomer to HM, like me, the step of creating a profile feels more hassle than what is worth, when all it takes is a different parameter to require a new one.

Is the server down? ok, send me an email from sender X - that's it..why forcing creation of a profile, aka template.

Obviously compared to the functionality, this is nothing, program is awesome, just feedback for what is worth. :)

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Post by KS-Soft »

It just feels restrictive and claustrophobic - that window is tiny, can't imagine having dozens of profiles to navigate.
window is tiny? Its resizable - you can call Alert Profiles window from Test Properties window in one click and use it to select profile. ... m#profiles
For a newcomer to HM, like me, the step of creating a profile feels more hassle than what is worth, when all it takes is a different parameter to require a new one.
Sorry, I still do not understand you, or may be you do not understand me.
Why do you say you need new profile "when all it takes is a different parameter"?
Why you cannot use the same profile with variables?
Have you read the manual? Have you read my answers?

E.g. if you monitor 1000 services on 500 servers, why do you need 1000 alert profiles? Normally you can use 1 profile for all these tests. E.g. if you need to restart monitored service, just use %ServiceName% and %ServiceComp% variables as parameters of the action. If you need to send e-mail to different admins, just use folder-level variables to store mailbox name (or use test comment lines for this purpose). This way you can easily modify just one profile when you need some adjustments (e.g. add new action) or modify just one folder variable (e.g. change admin e-mail address)

Do you actually need the same actions (e.g. send e-mail and start external program) just using different parameters (e.g. different target mailbox)? Then you don't need 2 alert profiles, 1 is enough
Please read the manual ... .htm#macro
For a newcomer to HM, like me, the step of creating a profile feels more hassle than what is worth
newcomer? You are using old version of the software so I assume its working in your company for several years.
Could you check current setup or ask admin that managed HostMonitor before? Do you really have 1000 profiles for 1000 tests?
What is your registration name?

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Post by o.ferreira »

All I'm saying is that:
1. could be more intuitive for new users. For example, in the UI, the forms refer to "Alert Profiles" and then "Action profiles" for the same functionality.
2. there's no way to trigger a response without going through Alert profiles first - this is because the design makes assumptions on behalf of the user. Should be an option, not entry-point.

By different parameter I gave an example. ODBC query. I wouldn't like to adapt my SQL scripts to Hostmon to save profiles. I want to monitor and execute an action, not to work in a full blown IDE interface.

No, that's the point, we have hundreds of tests when I joined, but 5 or 6 default profiles only.. nobody ever bothered. Only confuses and led me to the mistake that started this discussion.

See, when a user enters a test it's not expecting to impact hundreds others, no matter how powerful or smooth the menu is.

Another way to look at it: If I ask you to limit the entry point of the Alert profiles, only to the main menu, your Test Edit window does not have a way to input configurable response actions..

I'm not saying it's wrong or bad for all and everyone, I'm transmitting my first experience, again, for whatever is worth.

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Post by o.ferreira »

I've sent reg. info via direct mail just now.
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Post by KS-Soft »

By different parameter I gave an example. ODBC query. I wouldn't like to adapt my SQL scripts to Hostmon to save profiles. I want to monitor and execute an action, not to work in a full blown IDE interface.
Sorry, I do not understand you.
What exactly actions do you need for these 2 ODBC tests?
I just want to understand why do you need 2 different alert profiles in this specific case.
there's no way to trigger a response without going through Alert profiles first - this is because the design makes assumptions on behalf of the user. Should be an option, not entry-point.
Sorry, I cannot agree.
Yes, this can be Ok when you have 10-100 tests but when you need to manage 30,000 tests then scheme should look like the following:
- read the manual
- decide what schedules, mail templates, test templates, variables, reports and actions you need; setup profiles;
- decide what software modules do you need and where these modules should be installed (RMA, Web Service, RCC); install them;
- design folder structure, set variables;
- setup test items as last stage
When you know what software can do, when you have templates and variables ready then you can setup thousand tests quickly and save a lot of your time for setup and then save more time when you will need to modify test list.
E.g. you can setup tests using network discovery or setup templates and then just copy set of tests into folders (HostMonitor may change target hostname and some other parameters using folder-level variables); then you can modify single variable and 20 tests will change target host name or modify single profile and 1000 tests will start new action.
Yes, it can be complicated, yes you need to know what to do but as result you can make a lot in short time

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Post by o.ferreira »

I have absolutely no doubt that, if I have time to dive deep, I'll build something truly epic, and I'm looking forward to finding that time!

and the manual must be phenomenal, I keep hearing wonders about it! ;)

Rgds, Orlando
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