Custom Menu Items

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Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:47 am

Custom Menu Items

Post by HakanH »

Here are some of my favorite Custom Menu Items:

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Menu item:	Remote Desktop 1280x800
Command line:	mstsc.exe /v:%hostaddrb% /w:1280 /h:800

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Menu item:	Putty -ssh host
Command line:	putty -ssh %hostaddrb%

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Menu item:	Start Service
Command line:	sc.exe \\%hostaddrb% start "%ServiceName%"

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Menu item:	Stop Service
Command line:	sc.exe \\%hostaddrb% stop "%ServiceName%"

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Menu item:	Ping host
Command line:	cmd /c ping %HostAddrB% && pause

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Menu item:	Tracert host
Command line:	cmd /c tracert %hostaddrb% && pause

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Menu item:	File Explorer \\host\c$
Command line:	Explorer.exe \\%HostAddrB%\c$

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Menu item:	Net view \\host /all
Command line:	cmd /c net view \\%HostAddrB% /all && pause

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Menu item:	Nmap -v A host
Command line:	nmap -v A %hostaddrb% && pause
Do you guys have any useful Custom Menu Items?
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