Active Script: Windows RAID monitoring

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Active Script: Windows RAID monitoring

Post by SplanK »

We have a couple of machines here which use MS software RAID. I tweaked a script found here:
to interrogate the status of the software raid.

It will report ok when status is Healtyh
It will report bad when status is not healthy
It will report unknown if there are no MS software raids found.

Code: Select all

' Lists all logical drives on the local computer which are configured for 
' software RAID. 

Option Explicit

const statusAlive       = "Host is alive:"
const statusDead        = "No answer:"
const statusUnknown     = "Unknown:"
const statusNotResolved = "Unknown host:"
const statusOk          = "Ok:"
const statusBad         = "Bad:"
const statusBadContents = "Bad contents:"

FUNCTION PerformTest()

	Dim WshShell, oExec
	Dim RegexParse
	Dim oError, oReply, oCount, oSpacer
	oCount = 0
	oError = 0

	Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	Set RegexParse = New RegExp

	' Execute diskpart
	Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("%comspec% /c echo list volume | diskpart.exe")

	RegexParse.Pattern = "\s\s(Volume\s\d)\s+([A-Z])\s+(.*)\s\s(NTFS|FAT)\s+(Mirror|RAID-5)\s+(\d+)\s+(..)\s\s([A-Za-z]*\s?[A-Za-z]*)(\s\s)*.*"

	While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
		Dim regexMatches
		Dim Volume, Drive, Description, Redundancy, RaidStatus
		Dim CurrentLine : CurrentLine = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
		Set regexMatches = RegexParse.Execute(CurrentLine)
		If (regexMatches.Count > 0) Then
			Dim match
			Set match = regexMatches(0)
			If match.SubMatches.Count >= 8 Then
				Volume      = match.SubMatches(0)
				Drive       = match.SubMatches(1)
				Description = Trim(match.SubMatches(2))
				Redundancy  = match.SubMatches(4)
				RaidStatus  = Trim(match.SubMatches(7))
			End If

			If RaidStatus <> "Healthy" Then
				oError = 1
			End If
			'WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Status of " & Redundancy & " " & Drive & ": (" & Description & ") is """ & RaidStatus & """"
			If oCount > 1 Then
				oSpacer = " / "
				oSpacer = ""
			End If 
			oReply = oReply & oSpacer & Redundancy & " " & Drive & ": is " & RaidStatus
			oCount = oCount + 1
		End If

	If oError = 1  Then
		PerformTest = statusBad+oReply
	Elseif oCount = 0 Then
		PerformTest = statusUnknown+"No Software RAID found " & oReply
		PerformTest = statusOk+oReply	
	End If
End Function

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