HostMonitor: Web Interface 2.0 issue behind reverse proxy

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HostMonitor: Web Interface 2.0 issue behind reverse proxy

Post by benjamin.kostner »

We're running Hostmonitor 9.84 on a server machine inside our server DMZ. The webinterface is accessible through a reverse proxy. When the interface is called via the reverse proxy, the interface data does not load.

After digging a bit in the JS files, I may have found a lead to the issue we encounter.

Our server setup is as follows:

The Webservice runs under this URL:

Code: Select all

The reverse proxy URL is:

Code: Select all
Apache has a reverseproxy rule to put all requests to /hmadmin/.* through to http://hostmonitor.ourdomain.local:8081/

This seems to work fine, except the XHRs from Javascript are called with a wrong URL, for example:

Code: Select all
instead of

Code: Select all
The problem seems to be in the paths used in e.g. tabs.js. There the URLs are prefixed with "../" as in "../data_update.txt" instead of calling "data_update.txt" (relatively to the called html page).

Internally, that works, because:

Code: Select all

http://hostmonitor.ourdomain.local:8081/" + ../data_update.txt => http://hostmonitor.ourdomain.local:8081/data_update.txt
http://hostmonitor.ourdomain.local:8081/ + ../../data_update.txt => http://hostmonitor.ourdomain.local:8081/data_update.txt
But with the reverse proxy in between this results in paths outside the /hmadmin/ base dir:

Code: Select all + ../data_update.txt => + ../../data_update.txt =>
Is there a way to work around this problem or is this an issue with the current WebService of Advanced Host Monitor?

For the root page / or /index.htm it seems that the "../"-prefixes could be dropped in the JS without side effects, as the XHR-URLs are built relatively to the document they are called from, not the JS file they are called from.[/code]
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Post by KS-Soft »

There is update

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Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:24 am

Post by mp1 »

Thanks Thanks ... that's great :-)

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