XP PRO SP1 / Performance Counters

General chat about HostMonitor (all messages posted before March 07, 2003 available here).
Mike P
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 6:00 pm

Post by Mike P »

All the performance counter tests I run are in an unknown or checking status.

The tests worked when there were one or two but now that we have 350 Performance tests running against 35 servers they are no longer working.

Also if I open an existing test and attempt to edit it or get current value Host Monitor will lock up and I end task to close program.

I do not have this problem on 2000

The account I am logged on with has administrative rights on all remote servers

The same problem happens if I run Host Monitor as a service or stand alone. At the time of this posting I am not running Host Monitor as a service

Version 3.68

Maybe there is a simple settings I am overlooking please advise

Thank you
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Post by KS-Soft »

>Maybe there is a simple settings I am overlooking please advise

Unfortunately problem is deeper.
Quote from the manual:
Note #2 (bugs): Windows implementation of performance counters has bugs. E.g., Windows 2000 (Professional, Server, and Advanced Server editions) can produce memory leak in Pdh.dll when user (application) querying performance counter that does not exist. This bug fixed in SP2. Also pdh.dll does not work correctly with multithread applications.
That's why in HostMonitor we have implemented several different methods to work with pdh.dll:

MultiThread mode: HostMonitor works almost according to Microsoft documentation with some workaround to avoid most likely problems. HM loads pdh.dll at once and uses it all the time. This method fast because HM can start several tests simultaneously. If everything will work correctly on your system, use this method (by default HostMonitor uses this method).

OneByOne mode: Using this method HM will start Performance Counter tests one by one and reload pdh.dll every time. This method slow (when you setup Performance Counter test using Test Properties dialog program even can hang for 1-2 min) but using this method you will avoid some problems due to a buggy pdh.dll

Smart mode: With this method HM will try to detect when pdh.dll need to be reloaded.

To change mode, add line "PerfWorkMode=N" to hostmon.ini file into [Misc] section and restart HostMonitor. N is number of the mode: 0 - MultiThread mode, 1 - OneByOne mode, 2 - Smart mode

Try to set PerfWorkMode to 1 (OneByOne mode). It was helped to several customers, hope it will help in your case as well.
