Tune up reply value question

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Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:51 am

Tune up reply value question

Post by bmekler »

HostMonitor 9.18, Active RMA 4.48.

I'm trying to monitor temperature sensors on NetApp filers using SNMP. OID returns a string similar to the following:

29C (84F), 27C (80F), 26C (78F), 26C (78F)

Where each temperature sensor available in the filer is listed with celsius and farenheit readings, separated by commas. There are no separate OIDs for each sensor. Therefore, to get the actual temperature, for, say, sensor #3, I'm using the following tune up reply value expression:

[substr('%SuggestedReply%' getword 5,1,2)]

With the above reply, it properly logs the value of 26. However, when I'm attempting to evaluate it for alert purposes (alert when OID is > 35), the alert is triggered immediately - it seems to me that it evaluates the original reply, rather than the tuned up value.

Is there a way to accomplish this with HostMonitor?
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

With the above reply, it properly logs the value of 26. However, when I'm attempting to evaluate it for alert purposes (alert when OID is > 35), the alert is triggered immediately - it seems to me that it evaluates the original reply, rather than the tuned up value.
You are right, HostMonitor tries to compare original OID value.

You may use "Use Warning status if" option.
It doesn't support "substr" function, however, you may use expression like the following:
(getword '%SuggestedReply%' 5) > '35C'
This expression will compare strings (e.g. 26C > '35C'),
If temperature value always has two digits, this should work well.
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:51 am

Post by bmekler »

Thank you, this works fine. If the temperature sensor goes out of two digit range, in either direction, I've got bigger problems :oops:
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