Report Basics

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Report Basics

Post by Thore »

Hi all

I'm totally new to the complex report functionalities. Till now I just played a little arround.
What I want to get is the following. Reports should be created at midnight with only bad test (and some extra infos like Status, Reply, etc.)included. And I want to have these test for a specific folder incl. all sub folders. I think for that I have to use the custom html think but then it ends. What and where can I select the folder I need for the reports?
Thanks a lot

Best regards
KS-Soft Europe
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Report Basics

Post by KS-Soft Europe »

I think for that I have to use the custom html
You may use standard HTML report for that, just select to display BAD and Unknown items.
What and where can I select the folder I need for the reports?
Each folder may have its own list of reports (right click on folder -> Properties -> Reports).
Only the tests contained in the folder/subbolders will be used in generating these folder-specific reports ... FolderTree
You may setup to generate reports every X min.
Also you may setup simple Ping test (e.g. ping scheduled to start at midnight with Generate Reports action.
Please note: "Good" status action Action (Generate Reports) should be setup with "Repeat until status changes" option.
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Post by KS-Soft »

You may use different reports: HTML, Compact, Custom. Just open Folder Properties dialog, select "Use folder's own report settings", setup Report Profile and path to target files.

If you want to see only "Bad" tests, then mark only "Bad items (new)" and "Bad items (acknowledged)" items in Report Profiles dialog.

Want to generate report once a day? Then open Options dialog, click on "Scheduler" tab, choose "daily" option, setup time, then setup action profile using "Generate reports" action with "on the schedule" condition to start.

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