How to sent SMS?

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How to sent SMS?

Post by KS-Soft »

It depends how you want to send the message. There are several options:
  • - by e-mail. Cell phone provider must support SMTP->SMS gate. You can use "Send e-mail" action
    - by SNPP protocol (over TCP/IP). Works if provider supports gate SNPP->SMS. Use "Send message to pager SNPP" action
    - by regular modem. Cell phone provider supports TAP protocol. You can use "Send message to pager TAP" action
    - by regular modem. Cell phone provider supports UCP protocol. Unfortunatelly HostMonitor does not support UCP yet
    - by GSM modem (cell phone) connected to the system where HostMonitor is running. Since version 6.00 HostMonitor provides "Send SMS" action
    - using some 3rd party application. If you have installed some 3rd party software that offers command line interface, you may use "execute external program" action to start that utility.
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