Any report writer experts interested in some consulting?

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Any report writer experts interested in some consulting?

Post by bserebin »

Hello All,

Do you have expertise in writing reports for HostMonitor and want to make some extra money? I'm trying to get a report to match some of the built-in web service dashboard functionality, which is great but I need a few additional things. Let me know if you are interested. Send me an email at

Examples of what I want (look like dashboard in HM web service)
- additional columns for more protocols
- when an outage occurs, to report time of outage in cell (instead of just a 1 and being red)
- header should show last test performed

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Post by KS-Soft »

If this is not a long-term task, we can try to help you.
Examples of what I want (look like dashboard in web service)
- additional columns for more protocols
More protocols? Do you mean "test methods"? Dashboard report automatically shows columns for all existing test items.
If you add some new test, it will be displayed. You don't need to do anything.
- when an outage occurs, to report time of outage in cell (instead of just a 1 and being red)
What if 10 or 20 test items fail, do you need to see records for each item in the cell?
I think such task cannot be done unless
1) we modify HostMonitor code to create new type of reports
2) or you setup ODBC logging and create your own application that will analyze database and create report
- header should show last test performed
Dashboard reports provide option to display latest bad and/or good events. ... #dashboard

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Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:33 pm

Post by bserebin »

I really thing this would be a report, and not a Web Service feature (due to source code change). Here is what I'm looking for.

Per additional columns....
- yes, I would like to see all test methods. Currently the DashBoard consolidates some TCP/IP based tests (e.g. http, https, pop3 ssl, imap ssl, etc) under "tcp". I would like those test items to appear as a separate column.
- another column I would like to be displayed is "Reply". So, I can see the amount of time it takes to reply (e.g. 39ms, 120ms, etc)
[optional] - provide an option to enable if a test item or protocol appears on the dash board (e.g. state which columns to show in the DashBoard)

Outage cell alerting
- I'd prefer if each cell was it's own test items. I don't want overlapping items per cell. If this is the case, when an outage occurs, reporting the outage start (date/time) shouldn't be difficult. That's what I'm looking for.

Header Alerting
- I reviewed the header alerting, but when not in use (e.g. an outage is occurring), it wastes space header space. I also don't believe this is the best way to track and report outages.
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Post by KS-Soft »

- yes, I would like to see all test methods. Currently the DashBoard consolidates some TCP/IP based tests (e.g. http, https, pop3 ssl, imap ssl, etc) under "tcp". I would like those test items to appear as a separate column.
There is separate column for each test method. TCP tests displayed in TCP columns, POP3 tests displayed in POP3 columns, IMAP tests displayed in IMAP column.
- another column I would like to be displayed is "Reply". So, I can see the amount of time it takes to reply (e.g. 39ms, 120ms, etc)
Reply? What Reply? Dashboard displays summary information, how many "good" or "bad" IMAP tests do you have in the folder. What exactly reply it may show if you have 50 test items in the folder?
I'd prefer if each cell was it's own test items
Then its not a "Dashboard" report as you said.
This sounds like "Compact" repot.
Do you need something like this ... mpactb.htm ... mpactf.htm ... mpactt.htm

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