Performance Counter from Remote Machine

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Performance Counter from Remote Machine

Post by rollohmasker »

I have a problem with analyzing the performance counter from a remote machine.
KS Host is running on a W2K8 Server. I did all security settings on the remote machine.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurePipeServers\winreg --> Read access
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib --> Read access
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\servicename\performance --> Full control

I can access with the "Reliability and Performance Monitor" to the counters on the remote machine.
Also i can read with KS Hostmon the counter. but only if i do it from the Test properties with "Get current value". But if i do Apply and OK, and do a refresh from the configured test, the Status is "unkown" and the reply is "Error: Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline"
Here is the test properties:
;- HostMonitor`s export/import file -
;- Generated by RCC 3.60 at 26.05.2010 14:54:34 -
;- Source file: C:\Program Files (x86)\HostMonitor8\Check_18_05_2010_1135.hml-
;- Generation mode: Selected_Tests -

; ------- Test #01 -------

Method = PerfCounter
;--- Common properties ---
;DestFolder = Root\New\Test\Server\Performance\Object1\
Title = PerfCounter: Virtual Bytes Neu
Comment = PerfCounter: \\Server\Process(Object1)\Virtual Bytes
RelatedURL =
NamePattern = PerfCounter: %object% Neu
CmntPattern = PerfCounter: %path%
ScheduleMode= Regular
Schedule =
Interval = 600
Alerts =
ReverseAlert= No
UnknownIsBad= Yes
WarningIsBad= Yes
UseCommonLog= Yes
PrivLogMode = Default
CommLogMode = Default
;--- Test specific properties ---
PerfCounter = \\Server\Process(Object1)\Virtual Bytes
Condition = DifferentFrom
Value = 85037056,00
DisplayMode = AsIs
Username = domain/xxxxxxx
Password = xxxxxxx

; Exported 1 items

Do you have an idea what is wrong with my test?

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Post by KS-Soft »

Also i can read with KS Hostmon the counter. but only if i do it from the Test properties with "Get current value". But if i do Apply and OK, and do a refresh from the configured test, the Status is "unkown" and the reply is "Error: Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline"
I assume you are using Remote Control Console (RCC) to configure this test?
Are you running RCC and HostMonitor on different systems? The same system?
HostMonitor is started as service? Have you specified admin account on Service page in HostMonitor Options dialog?

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Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:32 am

Post by rollohmasker »

Hello Alex,
thank you for your quick answer.

Yes i use RCC to configure the test, and this RCC is installed on a different PC with Windows XP. HostMonitor is running on a W2K8 Server as a service.
I use the Admin user profile to log in with the remote Control Console, and this account has all User rights clicked on in his profile. This is done in HostMonitor --> Options --> RCI --> User Profiles

What is the normal way to save all the test information (File --> Save as) in HostMonitor, when it is startet as service on a different machine.
Is it the normal way to connect to the machine, where HostMonitor is running, and then start with the "No" Option. (Keep service and launch 2nd instance in application mode). And do from this state a (File--> Save as)

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Post by KS-Soft »

Yes i use RCC to configure the test, and this RCC is installed on a different PC with Windows XP. HostMonitor is running on a W2K8 Server as a service.
Have you checked firewall settings?
When you use RCC GUI to configure test, RCC connects to target system.
While tests always performed by HostMonitor (or RMA) that is started on different system (in your case).
I use the Admin user profile to log in with the remote Control Console, and this account has all User rights clicked on in his profile. This is done in HostMonitor --> Options --> RCI --> User Profiles
Actually I was talking about Windows account that you are using for HostMonitor process. Have you specified some account with admin rights using options located on Service page in HostMonitor/RCC Options dialog?

Quote from the manual
Note #1: When HostMonitor starts as a service, it uses the system account (as all interactive services). But this account may not have all the necessary permissions, so some tests will not work correctly (UNC test, "disk free space" test for shared drives, "CPU Usage" test for remote machines, etc). If you need these tests, you will need to assign a special user account on the Service page in the Options dialog. In this case HostMonitor will impersonate the security context of the user.
Do not change the account using the system utility "Services". If you do so, HostMonitor may be unable to interact with the desktop.
Well, last sentence is not related to Windows 2008 - you cannot interact with service GUI anyway.
Is it the normal way to connect to the machine, where HostMonitor is running, and then start with the "No" Option. (Keep service and launch 2nd instance in application mode). And do from this state a (File--> Save as)
I would not recommend to use this option (Keep service and launch 2nd instance in application mode).
Its better to stop service.

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Post by rollohmasker »

Hello Alex

1. Firewall is off
2. In Options --> Service
I use "Logon as" with "Use Account" and a account that has administrator rights.

But i can not understand, that i can read all the counters, if i do it with the opened "Test properties"
I think firewall and all other security settings are the same if i do it without Test properties, or
i save the test and then do a refresh.
Here everytime it says:
Status is "unkown" and the reply is "Error: Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline"
I can not understand this.

3. Keep service and launch 2nd instance in application mode
You say it is better to stop service and start a 2nd applikation.
But what is with the things i have changed from the RCC.
In normal way i worked with applikation mode, i do a "save as" after i have added or reconfigured some tests.
Are all this things are not saved, if i do it from RCC and stop the HostMonitor service if i want to start
the new instance of HostMonitor.
I did not find a "Save as" from the RCC. I think it used the settings from the started HostMonitor from the server
it is running.

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Post by KS-Soft »

But i can not understand, that i can read all the counters, if i do it with the opened "Test properties"
As I said when you use RCC GUI to setup some options, RCC sends requests. This means RCC that is running on Windows XP is able to access target system.
Tests are performed by HostMonitor that is installed on different system and your Windows 2008 system cannot access target system.

In other words
Windows XP (RCC) -> target system = Access allowed
Windows 2008 (HostMonitor) -> target system = Access denied.
Why exactly Windows 2008 does not have access to target system? I don't know.

Are both systems located in the same LAN? The same domain?
Could you start HostMonitor as application and check if test works?
Could you check HostMonitor system log file? Any errors?
Could you check NT Event Log on target system (system you are testing)? Any errors in Security event log?
In normal way i worked with applikation mode, i do a "save as" after i have added or reconfigured some tests
Bad idea. When you use "Save As" option, HostMonitor creates new HML list, assign new GUID to this list. So if you use "Home folder" or some other "per-user" options, some operators may loose access to the list.
If you made changes and you want to save them, use "Save" option. RCC provides access to "Save" function.
If you want to make copies of your configuration files, then backup all configuration files: HML files with tests and all *.LST and *.INI files

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