FTP Test

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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FTP Test

Post by sstimson »

I need to check our customer's FTP site to see if any files exist on it. I don't know the file name(s) which is the problem. I've tried the Folder/File Availability and that does not seem to work - even when testing and knowing file file name. I put in the following (with changes to sitename/security) into the File or Folder Name:

ftp://username:password@ftp.mysite.com: ... ng/orders/*.*

For testing I did try to put the actual file name in there and I always get the reverse response of what was expected. If I say Alert when file exists it comes back OK even though the file exists and when I say alert when file does not exist - it comes back bad.

I've also tried using file count and that does not work either.

I'm using Host Monitor version 7.78.

Any suggestions?
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Post by KS-Soft »

File/Folder Availability test method may check files on local on network file system. This means you need to have access to target server file system using some network client installed on the system. E.g. "Client for Microsoft Netwrowks".
This means you may check files if you can provide local or UNC path to the file. E.g. "c:\program files\hostmonitor8\logs\syslog.htm" or "\\server1\resource1\file1".
Other file related tests work in the same way.

If you need to check some FTP server, then use URL test method.
But you need to know what exactly URL you want to check. You cannot use *.* wildcards here.

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