External script test...

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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External script test...

Post by fve »

When using external shell script there are a tab to try the script called "Lets try".

If hm is installed on one server and the access is via RCC from another there are problem with the "Lets Try" function.

When hm preform the test it run the shell script from the server where hm is installed, right?
When using the "Lets Try" function it is running the script from the local computer where the RCC is running, right?

This is a problem when the RCC is runned from a server with bounded functionality.
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Post by KS-Soft »

When hm preform the test it run the shell script from the server where hm is installed, right?
When using the "Lets Try" function it is running the script from the local computer where the RCC is running, right?
Correct. We plan to change this function in future versions.
Possible workaround: install RMA on HostMonitor system and use this agent for testing. RCC can send requests to RMA

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