Subject text changes for e-mail notifications

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Post by unclelude »


It seems that e-mail notification picks up the "Subject" text from the previos e-mail notification that was sent out. Is that possible ? It also overwrites that entries for the custom configuaration.
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Post by KS-Soft »

H'm, I don't see how it can be possible. May be there is some problem with macro variables? E.g. macro displays previous status of the test instead of the current? Could you please describe problem in detail. How we can reproduce it?

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Post by unclelude »


I think it should be quite easy to recreate. I have two tests. Both of them have different DataSource Names, Test Names, Comments, and when x = y test conditions. The problem is with the "Subject" text. It takes the "Subject" text from the latest entry made to HM. For example, if I created test1 first and the Subject was "Test for 1", and then I create Test2 with the subject "Test for 2", it will save the Subject for Test2 as "Test for 1". However, the Test description remains intact. I am using HM 3.65


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Post by KS-Soft »

You have 2 tests. But how many "send e-mail" actions do you have? "Subject" property does not belongs to the test, it belongs to the action.
So, you have test T1 and test T2. Test T2 uses action profile P1 that contans "send e-mail" action A1 with subject S1. What about test T2? Does it use the same action profile P1? Or another action profile P2 that contains another action A2?

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Post by unclelude »

I have a "send e-mail" action for each test.

Do I have to "create" a seperate profile for each test ? can't I use the same profile and just change the "Subject Text". If first is the answer, then it means that I will have to have as many profiles as the tests, which is about 100, all notifying via e-mail ?

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Post by KS-Soft »

You can assign action profile to the test, but test does not contains action profile. It mean if you change some property of the profile (e.g. subject line), it has effect for all tests those use the profile. So, if you change subject, you change subject.

>Do I have to "create" a seperate profile for each test?

Only if you need different sets of the actions.

>can't I use the same profile and just change the "Subject Text"

Please, read the manual. You can use macro variables. When you configuring action, click Help button. There will be some information about action properties, click "macro variables" link.
