test replying IP adress

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test replying IP adress

Post by mlimtl »

We have a link balancer and I need to know when my web server change its IP. I was thinking about using the ping test with the name of the web site but the reply does not contains the IP, only reply time or %.

Do you have an idea on how can I do this ?

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Post by KS-Soft »

You may use Trace test
http://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/mfra ... .htm#trace

or you may use Shell Script test and simple command line utility
It requires single parameter (hostname) and returns Ok test status (when hostname can be resolved to IP address) and IP address.
So you may use Optional Status Processing options to check if IP address was changed
http://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/mfra ... processing

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