12 suggestions (daisy chain, SQL to HMScript...etc)

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12 suggestions (daisy chain, SQL to HMScript...etc)

Post by grussell »

Some suggestions (if you find yourself with some spare time :) )

1. Add multiple checks to reply (e.g. If its greater than x, and less than y, but not equal to z)

2. Allow the Agent (RMA) of a test to be specified by a variable

3. All the HMScript to come from a database (as the result of EXECUTING a stored procedure)

4. Define custom rules. So when administrators create folders or tests, they have to match rules. (e.g. Variables have to be defined, naming conventions..etc)

5. Have dedicated forum for sample .vbs scripts.

6. Application could come pre-populated with templates for standard OS and applications (Windows, Linux, SQL, Exchange..etc)

7. Support the copying of folders + tests within HM.

8. Enable RMA/HostMonitor to analyse WMI arrays - enables the gathering of a lot more attributes without having to write VBA for each.

9. Provide server/username/password credentials list - so easy to setup WMI/Performance counters/Services/Processor.. without needing to create secure channel or specify credentials.

10. Enable the "reply" of a test to auto-populate a variable

11. Group tests (e.g. Windows Server 2003 test group, Exchange 2007 test group). So they can be applied as one (Although the folders come close to achieving this)

12. And I think your product would benefit from a redesign of its website - a lot of people make judgements based purely on cosmetics. I'm sure you would recover the cost in extra sales.

Although it is already a very good product.

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Post by KS-Soft »

Add multiple checks to reply (e.g. If its greater than x, and less than y, but not equal to z)
What kind of test do you have in mind?
Allow the Agent (RMA) of a test to be specified by a variable
We have such task in the list.
3. All the HMScript to come from a database (as the result of EXECUTING a stored procedure)
I don't think we will do this
4. Define custom rules. So when administrators create folders or tests, they have to match rules. (e.g. Variables have to be defined, naming conventions..etc)
Naming conversion? There are patterns, you may change pattern and apply changes to new or all existing tests (menu Profiles -> Patterns)
5. Have dedicated forum for sample .vbs scripts.
We have Library forum: http://www.ks-soft.net/cgi-bin/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=7
Do you need a forum just for VB scripts? How many posts we will have there? 5 posts per year?
6. Application could come pre-populated with templates for standard OS and applications (Windows, Linux, SQL, Exchange..etc)
Yes, we plan to do this.
7. Support the copying of folders + tests within HM
Low priority task
8. Enable RMA/HostMonitor to analyse WMI arrays - enables the gathering of a lot more attributes without having to write VBA for each.
HostMonitor may check set of records but when it applies specific rule (e.g. any handlecount > 500), it detects and show just one value that matches specified condition.
We can add some variable to represent entire data set but I don't think its good idea to show entire table in Reply field. Reply is just a string.
9. Provide server/username/password credentials list - so easy to setup WMI/Performance counters/Services/Processor.. without needing to create secure channel or specify credentials.
I think HostMonitor already have such option. Menu Profiles -> Connection Manager.
10. Enable the "reply" of a test to auto-populate a variable
You may use HM Script
11. Group tests (e.g. Windows Server 2003 test group, Exchange 2007 test group). So they can be applied as one (Although the folders come close to achieving this)
Yeah, we have such idea but not sure when and how exactly it can be implemented.
12. And I think your product would benefit from a redesign of its website - a lot of people make judgements based purely on cosmetics. I'm sure you would recover the cost in extra sales.
Thank you. I just not sure we need more sales. We spend too much time for support (we receive about 100 e-mails every day).
May be we need less sales so we can spend more time on development and make product much better 8)

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