Understanding problem with UNC free space check

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Understanding problem with UNC free space check

Post by mp1 »


If I check a volume on a linux server with f.e. df -m, I will get the following reply:

/dev/mapper/mpath0p1 201585 141501 49844 74% /var/www

So, I have 49.844 mb free space on this volume.

With the agent, I will get 60.081 mb.
I understand that the agent is using statfs.

Where is there the exactly differnce?
I am not a linux specialist, although our specialist says, that there should be only a differnce from 5 % (reservation for the root user)
Is this right?

Thanks in advance

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Post by KS-Soft »

Yes, RMA uses statfs API.
UNC test offers several options
- check free space available for caller
- check total free space
- ...
In 1st case RMA checks free blocks avail to non-superuser (f_bavail), in 2nd case RMA uses total free blocks counter (f_bfree).
Which option do you use for the test?

Posts: 200
Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:24 am

Post by mp1 »

Which option do you use for the test?
Ahhh, thanks

I used "total free space" - with free space for caller it's the same as the df command. Linux is not my world :wink:

Best regards,

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