WMI Explorer cannot view namespace remote

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WMI Explorer cannot view namespace remote

Post by Kehama »


We're using Hostmonitor 7.78 and WMI Explorer 1.04 (latest versions I think).

We have an odd problemen where we cannot views instances in a NON-DEFAULT namespace from a REMOTE system. The Namespace is Root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer. If we build the test anyway we get OLE error 80131904.

So (this is all done with the same user, the user HM runs under):

* If I use WMI explorer from the monitor server, I can navigate through the classes, but there are no instances.

* If I use WMI explorer from my desktop, I can navigate through the namespace classes, but there are no instances.

* If I use WMI explorer from the monitor server or my desktop and connect to the default namespace (root\cimv2) I can navigate and see instances. We don't see instances in other namespaces either.

* If I log on to the target server, I can navigate through the namespace classes, and there ARE instances...

I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before...
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Post by KS-Soft »

We cannot find any error description for error 80131904 except "SQL Server does not exist or access denied" that probably is not related to this problem :(
What Windows is installed on that remote system? Service Pack?

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Post by Kehama »


Both systems (hostmonitor server and server we're trying to query) are Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise servers with all the latest service packs (SP2) and updates.
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Could you, please, provide information what exact version of BizTalk Server do you use?

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Post by Kehama »

That would be BizTalk 2006 R2 Enterprise Edition. :)
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Hm. Actually, we tested WMI Explorer in order to check some non-default namespaces (root\WMI, root\MicrosoftActiveDirectory, root\perfmon) on remote systems and everything works fine.
We will try to install BizTalk 2006 server and figure this issue out.

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Post by Kehama »

Thank you. A little more (thorough) testing shows that it's just the BizTalk namespace that doesn't seem to have any instances remote.
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Post by greyhat64 »

Do you guys have an general advice for using/troubleshooting the WMI test method?

I've been working with another namespace 'root\SecurityCenter', that does not present itself in WMIExplorer either. If it is present it's a great source of info for Firewall and AntiVirus status.
I could modify the VBScript snippet below to work, but it seems I should be able to use the HM's WMI test method to accomplish this.

Code: Select all

Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next

strComputer = "."
Set oWMI = GetObject( _
  "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\SecurityCenter")
Set colItems = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from AntiVirusProduct")
For Each objItem in colItems
  With objItem
    WScript.Echo "Company: " & .companyName
    WScript.Echo "Product Name: " & .displayName
    WScript.Echo "Version: " & .versionNumber
    WScript.Echo "GUID: " & .instanceGuid
    WScript.Echo "ScanEnabled: " & .onAccessScanningEnabled
    WScript.Echo "ExePath: " & .pathToSignedProductExe
    WScript.Echo "UserNotified: " & .productHasNotifiedUser
    WScript.Echo "State: " & .productState
    WScript.Echo "UptoDate: " & .productUptoDate
    WScript.Echo "WscNotifications? " & .productWantsWscNotifications
  End With
Note: Not all properties are available with all AV products.

The fact is that I'd like NOT to :x , but I'm building up quite a WMI code library because of situations like this.
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Well, we have installed Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 on Windows 2003 SP2 machine. And looks like WMI explorer works fine. Almost fine.
Some classes really shows OLE C0C024BC error, but most of the classes works fine and instances are visible and accessible either localy or remotely. What exact WMI classes are you going to monitor? MSBTS_Setting, MSBTS_ServiceInstance, MSBTS_Service, MSBTS_ServerSetting, MSBTS_HostInstance and other works just fine.

Our configuration is following:
Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 is running Windows 2003 SP2.
WMI Explorer 1.04 is running on Windows XP SP3

I have to mention that I faced to problem enumerating instances where Biz Talk server was not properly configured. But after it was reinstalled and configured in proper way, everything starts working smoothly.

Do you see any suspiccious messages in the Event Log on machine, where BizTalk Server is running?

KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

greyhat64 wrote:Do you guys have an general advice for using/troubleshooting the WMI test method?
Actually, I think, problem is related to BizTalk configuration. When our BizTalk server was not properly configured, WMI requests thru VB scripts crached as well. Even standard Windows wbemtest utility showed us error.
However, everything starts working properly after BizTalk server was configured and BizTalk Runtime was started.

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Post by Kehama »


Do you have any insight into what you changed to the BizTalk configuration that made remote WMI possible ? Our developers (the ones who set up and control the application) don't see what is wrong about their configuration.

I know this is not something you're supposed to troubleshoot for us, but just vaguely pointing us in the right direction might help us out. :)
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Hm. Actually, I'm not so experienced in BizTalk Server. I just can say when I start "BizTalk server" configuration utility, it shows all Ok statuses (green circles) in "Overview" pane for all the features listed (Enterprise SSO, Group, Biztalk Runtime, MSMQT, Business Rules Engine, HWS Runtime). When I installed BizTalk Server for the first time, "Groups" and "Biztalk Runtime" features were marked as failed (red circle) because of problems with MS SQL (BizTalk requires at least MS SQL 2004 SP3). On this stage, WMI Explorer was not able to gather BizTalk classes instances. However, after MS SQL had been upgraded, we were able to configure "Groups" and "Biztalk Runtime" features properly and since then WMI Explorer has been working fine with BizTalk classes instances. Not sure it will help you but that is.

KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Could you, please, try standard Windows wbemtest utility to gather information from any BizTalk class? Does it work?

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Post by Kehama »

No, wbemtest doesn't work either. It connects, but when I try to get a list of classes, I don't get any classes (in any instance, even root\cimv2 - even though I can get stuff with WMI explorer).

So in the Object editor, Qualifiers and Methods are empty (which is not what I'm used to at all) and Properties only has the System properties (the ones that start with ___). :(

On our other servers, wbemtest works fine.
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Sorry, I cannot help much. :-(
There are several *.mof and *.mfl files located deeper in BizTalk server folder (BTSWMISchema.mof, BTSWMISchemaXP.mof, Microsoft.BizTalk.Hws.AdminWMIProvider.mof). You can try to recompile this files one by one using Mofcomp.exe utility, e.g.:
Mofcomp.exe BTSWMISchema.mof
Mofcomp.exe BTSWMISchema.mfl

Also you may register Microsoft.BizTalk.Hws.AdminWMIProvider.dll, e.g:
regsvr32 Microsoft.BizTalk.Hws.AdminWMIProvider.dll

After that you may restart WMI service.
It might help.

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