Host is Alive and Log Files

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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Host is Alive and Log Files

Post by chealey »

Is there a way to not log non-numeric data in the private logs?

My problem is that on tests like the traffic monitor the non-numeric reply values such as Host is Alive or RMA problem messages do not look good in the Log Analyzer graphs and this is plotted as a zero which is misleading. If I remove each line that has those values on it then the graph is perfect!!

I would like to create the graphs from Log Analyzer and display them in a current status webpage or such but I cannot continuually clean up the logs. Maybe, if Log Analyzer had a way to ignore those values as it charts the data that would also work.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Actually "Host is alive" is a status and just like any other status its not a number.
Regarding "rma related error messages": Log Analyzer does not ignore these records becase these records indicate some problem, problem should be displayed somehow.

If you want to ignore problems, I see 2 solutions
1) Create additional test to check HostMonitor <-> RMA communication channel (e.g. ping thru RMA) and use this test as Master test for all other items performed by this agent ... htm#Master

2) Another solution: disable private log and add "Record HM log" action into action profile assigned to the test(s). You may use "advanced mode" action and expression like '%SimpleStatus%'<>'UNKNOWN' if you need detailed log with all replies or use expression like ('%SimpleStatus%'<>'UNKNOWN') and (%Recurrences%==1) if you need brief log ... ncedaction

Actually you may combine both methods...

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Post by chealey »

KS-Soft wrote:Actually "Host is alive" is a status and just like any other status its not a number.
Regarding "rma related error messages": Log Analyzer does not ignore these records becase these records indicate some problem, problem should be displayed somehow.

If you want to ignore problems, I see 2 solutions
1) Create additional test to check HostMonitor <-> RMA communication channel (e.g. ping thru RMA) and use this test as Master test for all other items performed by this agent ... htm#Master

2) Another solution: disable private log and add "Record HM log" action into action profile assigned to the test(s). You may use "advanced mode" action and expression like '%SimpleStatus%'<>'UNKNOWN' if you need detailed log with all replies or use expression like ('%SimpleStatus%'<>'UNKNOWN') and (%Recurrences%==1) if you need brief log ... ncedaction

Actually you may combine both methods...


#2 sounds like what I need . . . I will try that now, THANKS!
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Post by chealey »

KS-Soft wrote: 2) Another solution: disable private log and add "Record HM log" action into action profile assigned to the test(s). You may use "advanced mode" action and expression like '%SimpleStatus%'<>'UNKNOWN' if you need detailed log with all replies or use expression like ('%SimpleStatus%'<>'UNKNOWN') and (%Recurrences%==1) if you need brief log ... ncedaction
Working well using

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

but the troublesome point now is a loss of convenience in being able to right click on the test and get Log Analyzer to pop up and load the log file. I just unchecked the setting but the log file path and name is still there. If that feature could work if a log file is listed, whether it is checked or not, that would be a great improvement.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Working well using Code:
and Code:
(%StatusID%==8 )
This expressions work for single specific status while test items may return many various statuses: Ok, Host is alive, Bad, No answer... Normally Reply field shows number when test has "Host is alive" status...
Why you do not want to use expression ('%SimpleStatus%'<>'UNKNOWN')?

If you prefer %StatusID% variable for some reason, then expression probably should look like (%StatusID%==1) or (%StatusID%==2) or (%StatusID%==7) or (%StatusID%==8 )
If you are using "Optional status processing" options then you may need to add or (%StatusID%==14) or (%StatusID%==15)
but the troublesome point now is a loss of convenience in being able to right click on the test and get Log Analyzer to pop up and load the log file. I just unchecked the setting but the log file path and name is still there. If that feature could work if a log file is listed, whether it is checked or not, that would be a great improvement.
H'm.. yes I think we can do that. I have added your request into "to do" list

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