RMA: Cannot read data / Shell Script / while server is busy

Remote Monitoring Agent for Linux, FreeBSD, and other UNIX-like platforms.
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RMA: Cannot read data / Shell Script / while server is busy

Post by temenos01 »


os=linux (Cent OS)

i have a shell script which checks oracle tablespaces. The script works fine, but when the server is busy i get the message "RMA: Cannot read data" "Status = Unknown".

Here are my timeout settings:

RMA: Timeout=600000 milsec.

Hostmonitor: Timeout = 600 sec.

Any ideas?

KS-Soft Europe
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Joined: Tue May 16, 2006 4:41 am

Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Could you provide more information, please?
- What version of HostMonitor do you use?
- What Windows windows is installed on the machine, where HostMonitor is running? Service Pack?
- What version of RMA do you use?
- What version of CentOs do you use?
- Do you see any error messages in log files ([Logging] section in rma.ini)?
- What time interval is set for this particular test?

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:06 am

Post by temenos01 »

Thanks for the help.

- Hostmonitor = Ver. 7.50
- Windows Server 2003 R2 (Standard Edition) Service Pack 2
- RMA = Ver. 1.25
- OS= Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahan)
- no error messages
- interval = 10 min
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Post by KS-Soft »

Error "RMA: Cannot read data" means RMA cannot perform test within specified time.
Shell Script has its own "Timeout" parameter. If script does not finish its work within specified timeout, RMA sends SIGKILL signal to the process. If process ignores SIGKILL signal, RMA sends "cannot terminate process" error to HostMonitor.
In other words "RMA: Cannot read data" may appear only if timeout specified for script execution is longer than timeout specified for HostMonitor <-> RMA communication. If you are using 10 min timeouts for HostMonitor and RMA it looks strange... What timeout specified for Shell Script test? Can your script work for over 10 min?

Actually there is another posible reason of this error ("RMA: Cannot read data"): OS or some 3rd party software (e.g. antivirus monitor) drops TCP connection between HostMonitor and RMA. Is this posible in your case?

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