NT Event Log test shows "Message not found. Insertion .

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NT Event Log test shows "Message not found. Insertion .

Post by KS-Soft »

Problem description:
you setup NT Event Log test method to monitor event log on remote system
http://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/mfra ... m#chkNTLog
test works and detects "bad" events however it does not return correct description of the event; instead it returns text like "Message not found. Insertion strings ....".

If HostMonitor shows "Message not found. Insertion strings.." message, this means HostMonitor has detected event record that fits your filter however HostMonitor could not reach necessary DLL to retrieve text description of the event.
To find out, what exactly DLL you need, you should open Registry editor (regedit.exe) on remote machine (target server), and check the key, located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\<log name>\<event source name>. Path to the DLL is specified as EventMessageFile parameter.

If such DLL is present on system where HostMonitor is running, there is version mismatch problem. You may create "EventLogDlls" subfolder in HostMonitor's folder and copy DLL from remote system into this subfolder
(e.g. C:\Program Files\Hostmonitor7\EventLogDlls\).

If such DLL is not present on system where HostMonitor is running, you should copy DLL (as explained above) AND you should create/copy registry key from remote system.

Another possible solution - install RMA on target system and use RMA to perform the test
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