timer problems when test are made dependant of each other.

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timer problems when test are made dependant of each other.

Post by zendesigner »

HI alex,

I have following problem

Our hostmonitor servers are setup to perform an automated import routine.

I've got test 1 to check the hml file to see how old it is. if it's older then 5 minutes it alerts "bad" an triggers a query on a database.

From that moment test 2 and 3 need to become alive to import the file (list with new tests) the query generates.
SO i made test 2,3 dependant on test 1 WITHOUT synchronizing counter or alerts !

Now test 1 it's timer is set to perform the test every three minutes.
test 2 and 3 their timers are set to perform their test every 20 seconds.
From the moment i make test 2 and 3 depandent on TEST 1:

TEST 1 starts to perform it's test to the schedule of tests 2 and 3 , meaning every 20 seconds instead of every 3 minutes.

This screws up my entire timing routine./ As i've had problems with timing already since version 5.3 i guess this might have been around for a while.

Currently we're using 5.70.

Thanks for looking into this :wink:

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Post by KS-Soft »

TEST 1 starts to perform it's test to the schedule of tests 2 and 3 , meaning every 20 seconds instead of every 3 minutes.
That's right. Please look at "Consider status of the master test obsolete after N seconds" option that is located on Behavior page in the Options dialog.

Truth to say I do not understand why do you need test 2 and 3. Why test 1 cannot start HM Script and import new tests right away?

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