HostMonitor as service and Terminal Service

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HostMonitor as service and Terminal Service

Post by KS-Soft »

Due to some techical problems you cannot check HostMonitor that installed as service on remote system using Terminal Service (services cannot display information on remote system because Terminal Service provides handle of the remote desktop to applications that started AFTER terminal service session was open).

If you need to configure HostMonitor on remote server using Terminal Service, we would recommend to create simple BAT file that will stop service, start HostMonitor in application mode and (after you change settings and terminate application) start service again.

Code: Select all

net stop hostmonservice
"c:\program files\hostmon\hostmon.exe"
net start hostmonservice
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Post by KS-Soft »

Posted by mpriess ( ... ofile&u=94)

Another option (works if hostmonitor is running on Windows Server 2003) is to use remote desktop and connect to the console (shadow the console session). This only allows one person to connect at a time but it does not cause any conflicts with hostmonitor. Just make sure each person IS connecting to the console and not just the standard way. Either use the Remote Desktops plug-in for the MMC and check the "connect to console" option or execute the following from the command line.

mstsc -v:servername /F -console

See the microsoft article below for more information. ... -us;278845
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Post by KS-Soft »

Since version 5.60 Advanced Host Monitor provides another solution - Remote Control Console (RCC).
With RCC you don't need to use Terminal Service at all.

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