Email Troubles

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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Email Troubles

Post by fktoast »

I've read the intructions/manual. I have tried every possible option. I cannot get the email action to work. There must be something really simple that I am overlooking and I know Im going to be pissed at myself after one of you tell me the answer. Here are the facts

MS Exchange (on different box than hostmonitor)

SMTP is running as service on same box that hostmonitor is running

Hostmonitor is running as service (for tshooting I have tried both local and User account as logon for service)

Action: For testing I have mail action setup on one active test that I can fail to test the email action. I also have email action setup on a real test that is currently failing. The email addresses are correct.

Settings: (This is where my problem most likely exists. Note that under the options listed below are all that have been tried)

Primary SMTP:
\\exchange (I put the real name of server instead of exchange)

Backup SMTP:

25 (this is correct but if SMTP service is running then 25 is taken so
could this be it?)

I've tried them all but the "login" with my domain username and
pass should be the sufficient option

Let me know
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Post by mpriess »

Put in the hostname or IP address of your exchange server as the Primary SMTP server and call it good.

Don't even bother with the local SMTP - or remove it altogether.
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Post by fktoast »

SMTP service has to run on local box. My concern is that HM is trying to send out email on port 25 which the service is already using. It may not be a factor at all. Since the manual does not go into technical depth as to how HM sends email I dont know for sure. I have HM running on a box without the SMTP service running and it does not seem to be a factor. Whatever I have setup is wrong and emails do not get sent. My email action is setup to send email after 1 try and repeats 1 time on bad status. [/quote]
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Post by KS-Soft »

My concern is that HM is trying to send out email on port 25 which the service is already using.
HM must use the same port that is used by SMTP server. So, 25 is Ok.

At first you should check is HostMonitor trying to send email
>My email action is setup to send email after 1 try and repeats 1 time on bad status
It means HostMonitor will not send email if test already has bad status. For testing you may change it to "Repeat: until status changes".
If HostMonitor's service started under "local system" account (as it should be), you can see HostMonitor's icon in system tray. Click on that icon and check what HostMonitor doing; refresh test; if HostMonitor will try to send e-mail it will display popup window with all information about SMTP server<->HostMonitor traffic. So, it will be easy to find what's wrong, you will see error message.

BTW If HostMonitor cannot send email for some reason, it records information about error into system log file (log file specified on Advanced Logging page in the Options dialog). Just check the log and you will know..

Also some people starts HM as service and use HM in application mode to configure it. If you do the same, you should stop service, start application, change settings, close application, start service again. In this case service will have up to date settings.

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