Advanced Host Monitor 7.90 Beta

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Advanced Host Monitor 7.90 Beta

Post by KS-Soft »

There is version 7.90 Beta
Not recommended for production monitoring but should be interesting for testing.

What’s new:

New test method

1) New SSH test method. HostMonitor can connect and login to specified remote system running the SSH daemon and execute a command or shell script. This allows you to perform some tests on UNIX systems without using Remote Monitoring Agent for UNIX.
SSH test allows you to check result of the command in 3 different ways:
a) check for exit code (just like External test method does)
b) check for text result (similar to Text Log test method)
c) check for specially formatted result string (similar to Shell Script test method)
HostMonitor may perform SSH test directly or using RMA for Windows.
Note1: Connection Manager allows you to setup user name and password for each remote system (also you may use some default account information for all target systems)
Note2: Software supports 3DES, AES and Blowfish encryption methods for SSHv2. If you are using old SSHv1 server, HostMonitor will use 3DES encryption only.

Improved test methods

2) URL test method supports NTLM authentication for HTTPS servers (before you could use NTLM only for HTTP protocol)
3) HTTP test supports NTLM authentication as well

4) HostMonitor offers 2 new options for Text Log test method:
- set "Ok" status by acknowledgement (manually)
- set "Ok" status when new "Good" event detected
Now Text Log test allows you to specify 2 set of conditions for 2 different filters: "bad" and "good". However you may still use single "bad" filter as before.
RCC, Passive RMA and Active RMA were modified in order to support these new options

5) When you setup Service test, you may open "Choose service to monitor" dialog that displays list of all services on target system. Now it shows service name (short name), its long name, service status and type of the service. Also you may setup filter, e.g. display only running services or do not show kernel drivers.
Also you may use %path% variable for service test template. Variable returns “display name” property of the service (while %object% variable represents short name).
Passive RMA and Active RMA were modified in order to support these new options.

Remote Control Interface

6) HostMonitor allows you to limit number of simultaneous RCC connections on per user basis. E.g. you may allow “admin” to use 1 connection only and allow “guest” account to use up to 5 RCC connections. If you set limit to 0, user will be able to use Web Service and Telnet service but will not be able to use RCC

Improved actions:

7) “Send e-mail” action supports CRAM-SHA1 and NTLM authentication methods
8} “Send e-mail” action supports SSL/TLS encryption
9) “Send message to Jabber” action supports SSL/TLS encryption
Note: 2 DLLs from OpenSSL should be installed on the system: libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll

10) New %FailureID% test related variable allows you to use unique failure ID as parameter of the actions. HostMonitor assigns unique failure ID for each failed test and keeps the same ID when test fails several times in a row (note: “failure” conditions may depend on “Treat Unknown as Bad” or “Treat Warning as Bad” test properties). HostMonitor assigns different IDs for different test items; it assigns new unique ID when test restores “good” status and then fails again. HostMonitor sets %FailureID% variable to 0 when test has “good” status.

11) New %AlertThreshold%Value% variable works similar to %AlertThreshold% variable but returns numeric value only (without any correspondent text comment). E.g. %AlertThreshold% variable may return text like “Absent, MaxAge: 60” when it is used in action triggered by “File/Folder Availability” test method. In the same case %AlertThresholdValue% would return “60”.
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