RMA Username Problem (Version 5.38)

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RMA Username Problem (Version 5.38)

Post by davidc »

When using a username in the format of "domainname\username" part of the string is not stored and therefore authentification fails. Based on my testing it appears that the problem occurs if the username field is more than 15 characters.

The format is required because we are running in a multi-domain environment and the security is fairly tight between domains.
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Post by KS-Soft »

RMA username? Sorry, I do not understand what are you talking about. To connect to the agent you should provide password only, no user name.
Probably you are using username for some test method? Which one?

BTW: I don't think its a good idea to use e-maill address as your username (I am talking about your account on this forum). Robots may catch your address and you will receive more spam than before.

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Post by davidc »

Sorry about the confusion. I am talking about setting up a test. For example when you perform a check on disk space based on UNC Free Space, you enter a user name and password and it is in this dialog that the short user name problem exists.

I agree with you other comment, but when I went to edit the profile I was not able to change the user name and I was not able to create a new user because the email address was already in use. Any suggestions?
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Post by KS-Soft »

Sorry about the confusion. I am talking about setting up a test. For example when you perform a check on disk space based on UNC Free Space, you enter a user name and password and it is in this dialog that the short user name problem exists.
1) There are no restriction on username. You may specify string over 100 character. Or may be you are using some old version of HostMonitor?
But you said you have version 5.38...

2) We keep "Connect as" option for compatibility and some other reasons. But in many cases its better to use "Connection Manager" instead: http://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/mfra ... htm#conmgr

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Post by administrator »

I agree with you other comment, but when I went to edit the profile I was not able to change the user name and I was not able to create a new user because the email address was already in use. Any suggestions?
I have changed your name to "davidc". If you do not like it, please let me know
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