port scanning probs

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port scanning probs

Post by johnchain »

Hi, I can't go into anyone's computer because I can never connect to an open port. When I ping the computer it gives me replies, but it never finds open ports. I am behind a router, that might be the problem. If this doesn't work, is there any way I can mess with someone's comp (not to do any harm) just by knowing their IP. Tell me if I'm not allowed to say this kind of stuff in this forum.
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Post by KS-Soft »

When I ping the computer it gives me replies, but it never finds open ports. I am behind a router, that might be the problem
What exactly ports you are scanning for (21, 25, 23, 80, 110....)?
Try to scan any web server for port #80 (e.g. www.yahoo.com). If you receive answer, it means your system and IP-Tools works fine.

Then 2 versions
1) May be systems that you are scanning do not use ports that you want to find.
2) Probably some ports blocked by your firewall. Check router configuration or ask your network administrator.
is there any way I can mess with someone's comp
I am so tired of this sort of question
No answer

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Post by johnchain »

Sorry for the last question, it was a joke (not really funny). I am scanning for another computer on all possible ports. I turn my software firewall off (zonealarm) and still no replies. I do port scan websites and it finds the open port 80, so the program works excellently. As for the router, I made my computer on a DMZ, so it would have all access to the internet, but it still didn't work.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Probably systems that you are scanning just do not have open ports?

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Post by johnchain »

I thought about that and I figured all the new service packs took care of all the security, but I made it so the computer I am trying to contact is not behind a router and directly connected to the internet, no firewalls no nothing. (as unafe as possible). There should be open ports. But I do get an open port when I do a UDP scan! #53, but it says that is a DNS, and I don't think that will serve me any good.
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Post by KS-Soft »

There should be open ports.
Why there should be open ports?
Port is open for listening when some sort of server (www server, ftp server, mail server, etc) is running on the system.
No special services started - no opened ports.

For example scan fast.tomato.it
You should see several open ports
Port 22 (ssh)
Port 25 (smtp)
Port 53 (domain)
Port 80 (http-www)

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Post by johnchain »

Yeah I just realized that. But what I am having trouble understanding the UDP scan. How come whenever it finds a port it always finds it on #53 (DNS), is that my UDP port?
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Post by KS-Soft »

DNS is most used UDP service. That's why scanner finds it.
is that my UDP port
Depends what system you are checking. If you are scanning your own system...

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Post by johnchain »

I'm pretty sure I'm not scanning my own system.
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