Wishing to Ip-Tools developer

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Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:03 pm

Wishing to Ip-Tools developer

Post by k_han »

It's cool to obtain some information about server with certain IP (for example about real spammer host), more precisely - about spammer' provider. But ip-tools' whois utility don't allow to obtain information about small hosters. For example: small provider rusko.us has a small ip-range for its servers from peer1.net, but ip-tools try to get whois information about rusko.us on whois.isi.edu and fails :( . If I trying to type IPs of rusko's clients I get only hostnames and probably information about .com or .ru domain registration.
Do U test programms like SmartWhois? User just type IP or Hostname and proramm obtain exact info about host-provider (not only about domain registrar).
Do U about implement this future in IP-Tools and improve WhoIs utility?
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Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2002 6:00 pm
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Post by KS-Soft »

Yes, we want to improve WhoIs utility.
Version 2.50 will be available next week. Probably after that we will improve WhoIs utility (version 2.60?)

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