HM passed evaluation, time to buy !

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HM passed evaluation, time to buy !

Post by plambrecht »

Hi Alex,

After a long test period and some serious discussions with the Sales team. We decided to go for HM as our monitoring program.

You propably noticed my posts and requests for help.
Thx to your fast and always to the point reply's and fixes, your program was elected ! (above N-Able, S-Alive, WhatsUp, and some others)

The order will be placed on Monday (an Enterprise version) and next year, when the project (mine that is) is rolled out, we will go for the LifeTime Upgrade licence....

Thx already, and keep up the good work !


PS: Don't forget about receiving SNMP traps by RMA.. I really need it to get my project going !
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Post by KS-Soft »

Thank you
Yes, we remember about SNMP Trap test method for the agent. But it will not be implemnted very soon. May be in version 5.0

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