App vs Service mode again

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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App vs Service mode again

Post by mattb »

Sorry to be bringing this up again but we are still having problems.

We have an ODBC Query test that works perfectly when Host Monitor is in App mode but fails on the very first occurrence in Service mode.

Here are the details:

HM 4.10 on a Windows 2000 SP4 box (fully patched)

Options service tab is set to "Use account" with the account having administrative rights to all servers that need connected to (including the server where Host Monitor resides)

The Windows service for Advanced Host Monitor has LocalSystem for the "Log on As"

I am at the console logged in with the exact same account as the "Use account" option. When looking at the "started as service" Host Monitor window these ODBC test are failing. As soon as I stop the service and start it up in App mode (keeping in mind that I am at the console) the tests come back.

I have tried the "Test" button in the ODBC test itself and it acts the same. In App mode it works fine, in Service mode it returns the following error:

Error 4294967295: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed.

Thanks for the help in advance.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Some questions:
- what ODBC driver do you use?
- are you using System DSN or User DSN?
- do you see any error messages from HostMonitor in the Event Log (NT Event Log)?
Sorry to be bringing this up again but we are still having problems.
Does it means you already reported about this problem? by e-mail? I cannot find your previous posts about this matter...

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ODBC info

Post by mattb »


We are using the System DSN.
We are using the "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" - 2.537.6526.00
I do not see any errors in the Windows event log (just the normal start and stop of the service)

I did report a problem similar to this one. I will try and find the email.

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Post by KS-Soft »

Did some research...
Prossible reason - path to the Oracle DLLs is included in user related PATH variable but it is not included in system PATH variable.
Could you compare system and user environ variables (Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environ Variables)?

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PATH variables

Post by mattb »

I checked the System and User variables and that was not it. In fact the only variables that the User table had was TEMP and TMP. I went ahead and copied the PATH variable from the System table (which does include the paths for the Oracle DLLs) to the User table and that did not help.

Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks
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Post by KS-Soft »

You don't need to copy any variables to the User table. There is some problem with System account.
which does include the paths for the Oracle DLLs
Could you add patch to the Oracle DLLs into system PATH?

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