%FolderParent% variable doesn´t refresh after copy

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Posts: 195
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%FolderParent% variable doesn´t refresh after copy

Post by mrw »

Just discovered that if I copy a test that uses %FolderParent% as Test name, the actual name of the Parent Folder sticks with the test when you move it to another folder.
My fix now is to edit the test and click OK, which then updates the testname correctly.
I assume there should be some checks for this to refresh when tests are copied.

And I run v14.80.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: %FolderParent% variable doesn´t refresh after copy

Post by KS-Soft »

We fixed couple bugs related to this variable in new version (not available for download yet) but we do not see any problem related to CopyTest and MoveTest operations. These operations resolve variables correctly.
Could you please contact us by e-mail and provide your .HML file for test?

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Re: %FolderParent% variable doesn´t refresh after copy

Post by mrw »

I did some more testing and the problem seems to only occur when I copy an entire folder that contains several tests using %FolderParent%.
If I copy just a test then there is no problem.
So I copy an entire folder and then drag that folder to a different parent folder. Then the name won´t update automatically.

Perhaps that help?

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Re: %FolderParent% variable doesn´t refresh after copy

Post by KS-Soft »

Yes, this problem fixed in new version, should be available within 2 weeks

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