Just wanna say...

General chat about HostMonitor
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Posts: 375
Joined: Wed May 12, 2010 3:22 am

Just wanna say...

Post by Kris »

Hi everybody,

As I'm just a few months away from being a retired old fart, I just wanted to take a moment to show my appreciation to the KS-Soft team.
For many many years, HostMonitor has been my to-go-to solution for monitoring all sorts of stuff on the infrastructures I have been responsible for.
The usability, flexibility and support of HostMonitor never failed me, and it has been very satisfying and fun to be able to achief so many both basic and exotic tests.
Not to mention the very friendly price of HostMonitor, of course. ;-)
Also this forum, which includes both user-to-user and customer support, has been invaluable.
I want to say thanks to Alex and his team for all the good work and support over the years.
Hopefully you will be able to keep it up for many years to come.

To any potential new user coming accross this post:
Please give HostMonitor a try. You will be pleasantly surprised.


ps: I do not work for KS-Soft (I think would love to though :-))
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Post by KS-Soft »

Thank you :)
Enjoy retirement!
May be you will find some time to teach juniors?

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