Another chart wish

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Another chart wish

Post by Kris »

Hi guys,

I use the History/Performance charts quite frequently.
One thing I run into every now and then is the 24-month limitation.
Sometimes it is handy to be able to have a chart that goes back further.

I tried the log analyzer, but for 'Tuned Up' tests it shows the actual values, not the tuned up values.

So maybe my requirement could also be a change in the log analyzer, making it able to chart the tuned up values instead of the actual values.
Who knows :-)

Have a good one!
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Post by KS-Soft »

Sometimes it is handy to be able to have a chart that goes back further.
In some cases HostMonitor cannot and should not keep all data in memory or HML file, especially when you have 200,000 test items. So old data just stored in the logs.
I tried the log analyzer, but for 'Tuned Up' tests it shows the actual values, not the tuned up values.
Actual values? Do you mean some test, e.g. SNMP Get retrieved number 5 from some device (actual number?) then you are using TuneUpReply option and changed 5 to 10 (tuned number)?
Then Log Analyzer shows you 10, because HostMonitor shows 10 everywhere, because 10 is stored in the logs etc. There is no 5 anymore.

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Post by Kris »

I have a test that calculates and displays the sum of 5 other tests as tuned up value.
So first I created a ping test to the HM server itself, just to have a 'parent' test.
Then, in the tuned up value I calculate the sum of the 5 other tests.
Now, in the log analyzer, the ping response times from the 'parent' test are stored, not the tuned up value.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Now, in the log analyzer, the ping response times from the 'parent' test are stored, not the tuned up value.
No, its not. Only "tuned" value stored in the log. Only "tuned" value processed by Log Analyzer, just like you need.

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Post by Kris »

I don't get it then.
I have a test that calculates the sum of logged on users on 5 rds hosts, which gives a number of somewhere between 150 and 200 during office hours.
Looking at the data somewhat closer, it seems that the values for the log analyzer are being stored around midnight.
Are those the values of that specific moment, or a calculated average of that day or something?
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Post by KS-Soft »

I don't get it then
Each test item has Reply field
- it can be set by test probe and optionally adjusted by TuneUpReply expression. In any case we will call this final result as Reply
- Reply can be displayed by HostMonitor and RCC GUI, Web Interface
- it can be displayed by Reports
- Reply is stored when HostMonitor adds records into log
- HostMonitor uses Reply when calculates statistics (like MinReply, MaxReply, AverageReply) and the same value you see in the charts (well, if you see MaxReply value in the chart, its still was calculated from Reply)

The only way to get "raw" test result (test result before it was adjusted by TuneUpReply option; which you don't need in this case) is to use %SuggestedReply% variable in the expression or as parameter of some action.
Looking at the data somewhat closer, it seems that the values for the log analyzer are being stored around midnight.
This depends on your settings:
- there are default logging options (for All tests);
- there are test specific logging options that may override defult logging options
- there are common log files; there are private logging files
- if you are using Midnight logging mode then HostMonitor adds new record when test status changes PLUS adds records for all test items around midnight
E.g. you may set HostMonitor like this:
- tell lHostMonitor to add log record when any test changes status (Brief mode)
- plus use Reply logging mode for specific TestB (so record will be added when value of test Reply field changes)
- plus use Full logging mode for TestC (store each test probe in the log)
- plus use 2 log files for TestD: default logging mode for common log file and Full logging mode for private log file

Please check the manual.PDF file, use context sensitive help system (just press F1 in any window, e.g. Options dialog->Log settings->F1) or check on-line help at ... ns.htm#Log ... htm#Dialog
Are those the values of that specific moment, or a calculated average of that day or something?
Each logging record stores date, time status, testID, reply. Of course this is status and reply related to this specific date and time.
Unless you are using custom log files or ODBC logging - HostMonitor allows you to record various data in database, there are hundred variables..

While applications that analyzes log file, may show you different information. E.g. Log Analyzer shows you each log record + statistics (min,max,average,etc) + charts (chart offer several modes as well)

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