Quicklog report

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Quicklog report

Post by rdiroen »

Hi there,

I got several tests that are called health probe <application>, I have those in a view call health probes. Now what I would like is to generate a report that shows every test in that view, including it's sub quick log entries.

Is this possible? I have tried creating one with log analyzer, but it only shows me the test, but not the quick log items underneath that test.
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Post by KS-Soft »

There are various options

DashBoard report with options like
- Display N latest good/bad/any events at the top
- Display N latest good/bad/any events at the bottom
https://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/exa ... board3.htm

Log Analyzer may create reports with charts for each test item, charts show test results
visible charts
https://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/la/ ... mplate.htm
https://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/la/ ... Charts.htm
in order to open char click on the test
https://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/la/ ... Charts.htm

Choose one of the following options to set chart generating mode:
- Do not create charts
- Create charts, show links in the report
- Create charts, insert images into the report
- Create charts, interactive mode

Also you may use templates with %DetailedLogFile% and/or %ImageFile% variables.

when this variable occurs in the table template, Log Analyzer creates HTML file that contains all check results for the test. It substitutes this variable with a corresponding file name.
So, if you want to provide detailed log file for each test, use HTML code such as "<a href="%DetailedLogFile%">".

when this variable occurs in a template Log Analyzer creates GIF image that represents the test results and inserts the file name of this image file instead of the variable.
So, if you want to insert images into the report, use HTML code like "<img src="%ImageFile%">".
If you want to insert links to images into the report, use code like "<a href="%ImageFile%">"


Posts: 12873
Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2002 6:00 pm
Location: USA

Post by KS-Soft »

We informed you before and I will repeat - your support term expired 9 years ago, you know how to place an order :)
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