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Post by Kris »

This is about:
- Web interface, 'Performance Chart'
- HM/RCC Interface, 'History Charts'

2 very very minor nice-to-haves:

1) It would be nice if these functions had the same name in both interfaces since they are similar
2) It would be nice to be able to individually enable/disable the graph lines (min, max, avarage)

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Post by KS-Soft »

It would be nice if these functions had the same name in both interfaces since they are similar
But its not just the name, its different implementation.
HostMonitor provides 1 menu item that opens dialog with charts (just charts). Then you use options provided by dialog window to set chart options and type of the chart - performance or availability.
Web interface provides different menu items and opens different window.
Not sure we should redesign everything :roll:
It would be nice to be able to individually enable/disable the graph lines (min, max, avarage)
Or may be just hide max?
We plan to redesign charts after logging module redesign.

Posts: 375
Joined: Wed May 12, 2010 3:22 am

Post by Kris »

Hmmm I guess you're right on the first point, they are/look similar, but they're not quite the same.

For the graph lines, sometimes the minimum is most interesting, sometimes the maximum, sometimes the average.

I use these graphs a lot (mostly the web version because they look better)for reports that are viewed by 'untrained' eyes.
Quite often I get questions about the wrong graph lines, just because they're there.
Sometimes I even edit them away to avoid endless discussions on the wrong subject :roll:

Soooooo if it could be done for the web graph that would be fab 8)
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Post by KS-Soft »

We added such options (HostMonitor and RCC so far).
You may contact support by e-mail and get update

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