Unable to map to Netware Servers Hostonitor 4.02b

General chat about HostMonitor (all messages posted before March 07, 2003 available here).
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Post by batcheson »

OS: Windows 2000 SP3/SP4 and 2003
Netware Client32 version 4.83sp2

I monitor drive space on about 30 Novell servers by using the UNC test to connect to a volume and return free space. Using version 3.68 of Hosmonitor this has always worked fine. After upgrading to 4.02b I began to have problems. Everything would work ok until some of the UNC tests to Novell volumes would kick in. About half the UNC tests would just get stuck permanently on a Checking status and I could no longer map drives to these servers until I would restart the computer. I have tried several computers with both Windows 2000 and 2003 and experienced the same results. I uninstalled the new version 4 of hostmonitor and went back to 3.68 and everything works fine again.

So it seems that after Hostmonitor does it's UNC tests to these Novell servers I can no longer access the Novell Volumes.
All of our servers are Netware 5.1 SP6...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: batcheson on 2003-07-30 15:13 ]</font>
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Post by KS-Soft »

We did not make any changes in UNC test. Please, check what settings did you use for UNC test in HostMonitor 3 (Miscellaneous page in the Options dialog) and setup the same settings for HostMonitor 4. Hope it will help

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Post by batcheson »

Not sure what could be wrong. I went back and checked all settings before and after the upgrade and continued to experience problems. I have installed version 4 on several different Servers with different OS's and experienced the same issues. Version 3 works and no longer works after upgrading to version 4. I uninstall version 4 and go back to version 3 and it works again. The new version doesn't seem to like Novell Servers. I also have about 250 Windows NT/2000 servers that I do UNC mappings to also which works flawlessly. It's just version 4 and UNC mappings to my Novell Netware Servers.
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Post by KS-Soft »

H'm, strange. I just checked source code (UNC test + library) again and there no difference at all.
Are you running HostMonitor as service? Do you use the same account for both versions (account that specified Service page in the Options dialog)?

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Post by batcheson »

I don't start the application as a service. I run it as a normal application. Just to see what may happen, I tried upgrading my 3.68 installation to the newer 3.70 and started it... 3.70 also ran fine. I then upgraded the 3.70 installation to 4.02b and started it. This time it surprised me by working. I then rebooted the computer to see what would happen. When starting the application after rebooting it went back to having trouble making UNC connections to the Novell Servers. It's kinda strange, it doesn't have trouble with all the Novell servers, only about half of them. And not all the same servers everytime. Also, eventually the test seems to time out and the status changes from "Checking" to "Unknown". Once it changes to Unknown I can then map a drive to the server.

I also noticed that during the install of version 4.02b, I could not map a drive to the server I was installing the new version too. Once the install was complete, then I could map to it ok.

I guess I'll have to stay with using 3.70 for now and try again later. Thanks for your help....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: batcheson on 2003-08-01 12:06 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: batcheson on 2003-08-01 12:07 ]</font>
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Post by batcheson »

I believe I found the problem with the new version of Hostmonitor and the UNC Tests with Novell Servers. As stated in above messages, I wasn't having the problem with all Novell servers, just about half of them. Well, I noticed that the UNC tests that are having problems are on Novell Servers with Multiple Volumes with more than one UNC test to test each of the volumes for drive space. The servers with only one volume and one UNC test are working perfect. The UNC tests that have multiple tests connecting to multiple drives on a server all hang in a "Checking" status.

With version 3.70 or older these UNC tests all work perfectly fine. And on the UNC test paramters under the Misc tab on the option pages, both versions are setup the same. I do have the UNC test mode set to "OnePerServer". Could the program be trying to run more than one test against a server even though it is set to run only one per server?

As of right now with version 4.04, as long as I disable all but one UNC test per Novell server, it works fine. The bad thing about this is I cannot test but one volume on a Novell server, for if I enable more tests to other volumes the tests hange. I'm really looking forward to using the new version of Hostmonitor and hope that a solution to this can be found. Thank you.....
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Post by KS-Soft »

You are right..
And I was right too...
Its very strange: we really did not change anything but I debug the program and see compiler just ignored several lines of code! I remember old version of compiler could remove code from source files!
Ok, at least we know what wrong. Will find some workaround...

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Post by KS-Soft »

Ok, I believe problem solved. Update available at http://www.ks-soft.net/download/hm404c.zip

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Post by batcheson »

I installed the update and it works great... Thanks a ton... I've already purchased the upgrade for version 4 and now have it successfully installed on our network. Everyone here thinks the new Web Management Service is great... Keep up the good work...
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Post by KS-Soft »

Thank you for feedback :smile:
