RMA:301 – Access is denied, but only for Service Test.

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RMA:301 – Access is denied, but only for Service Test.

Post by hd@miralix.com »


I’m having a bit of trouble and I hope someone here can help.

I'm experiencing problems using the �Service� Test method on a remote Target.

The setup:
Active RMA is installed on a machine and working fine, I have test running fine for stuff like diskspace and CPU usage and Service test.

The problem only arises when I want to use the RMA to test servers on the network connected to the RMA Server.

I create a new test, selecting the Test method “Service�. In the “target host� field I specify the target IP (I have tried DNS names as well), “Alert when� is set to “service not started�. I mark the “Connect as� and put in the user information.

The problem is that I get a RMA:301 – Access is denied returned.

At first glance this appears to be a problem white the user login information. But the Security Audit log shows the login as successful, in contrast, if I type the password wrong I get am Login Failure. So the login is not the problem.
The user is full Admin, I have loged in on the server using the account and tested that it does indeed have Admin rights.

The user works fine for any other test method I have tried CPU usage, free disk space, free memory or Process – No problem. But as soon as I select Service. - RMA:301 – Access is denied
I tried disabling UAC, no change.
I tried disabling Firewall, no change.
The server is non-domain joined so it is a local user, I have tried using all the different ways of typing the login that I could think of (host\user, user, user@host, localhost\user, \user). No change.

I tried using the build-in administrator account, and it worked.
I tested this on two other server and it was the same, I can make the service tests function fine if I use the build-in administrator account, but not if I use any other user. Any other test works fine on the service account as well. Once again only Service test failes.
I can’t find anything in the manual about what level of privilege a user needs to do the Service test, but I have made sure that the new users I have tested white have the same group memberships as the Administrator account.

Can anyone be of help here?

-Leonard Larsen
Miralix A/S
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Post by KS-Soft »

What Windows do you use on RMA and target system?
Service Pack?
The server is non-domain joined
Non-domain system? Then I think you have only 2 options
- use built-in admin
- try to set registry value HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Policies\system\LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy = 1
I tried disabling UAC, no change.
The user is full Admin
On new Windows systems UAC always on, this means admin accounts do not really have full admin rights.

Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:12 am

Post by hd@miralix.com »

Hi Alex.

Thanks for the reply.

I have tested, and you are right, it dose seem to be UAC remote restrictions causing my problems. I did not know that Windows treated the Build-in administrator different in this regard – The more you know.


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