PS: Check TCP Port in use and running process

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PS: Check TCP Port in use and running process

Post by sysadmber »

Hostmon provides TCP Test by sending data to the port and checks it's answer. I needed a check whether the TCP port is open and if so by which process.

This scripts runs only locally, in my case via rma.

Here is the code:

Code: Select all

[string]$param_proc_desc = "'Please provide Program Description as third parameter'"

If (!$param_port){
    Return "ScriptRes:Bad:Program Abort - Please provide Port number as first parameter"
If (!$param_proc){
    Return "ScriptRes:Bad:Program Abort - Please provide process name as second parameter"
$process = get-process $param_proc
If (!${
    Return "ScriptRes:Bad: " + $param_proc_desc + " is not started"
$netcon = Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort $param_port

If ($netcon.State -eq "listen"){
    if ($netcon.OwningProcess -ne ${
        $proc_alt = get-process -id $netcon.OwningProcess
        Return "ScriptRes:Bad:TCP Port " + $param_port + " is not in use by " + $param_proc_desc + " but " + $proc_alt.Name + " (PID: " + $proc_alt.Id + ")"
        Return "ScriptRes:Ok:TCP Port " + $param_port + " is used by " + $param_proc_desc
        Return "ScriptRes:Bad:TCP Port " + $param_port + " is not in use"
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