Passive RMA stopped monitoring, does monitor via rmacfg

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Passive RMA stopped monitoring, does monitor via rmacfg

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My passive RMA (runs as a service) stopped monitoring several servers within the LAN it's installed.
When running it via rmacfg (after stopping the service) the monitoring works fine but if I was to logoff from the server running rmacfg all of my monitoring will stop.

I think the problem started after WSUS updating the server that holds the passive RMA and servers that it monitors.

Any tips?

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Post by KS-Soft »

RMA version?
Windows? Service Pack?
What account do you use to run service?
What exactly means "stopped monitoring"? Test status? Reply?

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Joined: Wed May 24, 2017 4:30 am

Post by »

Hi Alex,
Thank you for replying.

The RMA version is currently 5.06, it was 4.88 to begin with but I thought that by updating it will solve my problem, it didn't.
The RMA is installed on a 2008 R2 server, fully updated (SP1 included).

The service operates with Local System.

By "stopped monitoring" I mean that now after i've updated the server that hosts the RMA service and the servers that it monitors to the latest windows updates (latest means May 2017), when running with Local System (as it used to before) it claims: "RMA: Cannot read data"

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Post by KS-Soft »

The RMA version is currently 5.06, it was 4.88 to begin with but I thought that by updating it will solve my problem, it didn't.
I assume you updated HostMonitor as well?
Please use ALL components (HostMonitor, RMA, RCC, etc) from the same package.
The service operates with Local System.
I have no idea how it could work before - local system account does not allow to check remote systems, you cannot check services, processes, cpu usage, etc.
Please start service under admin account.
If UAC enabled, please provide BUILT-IN administrator account.
it claims: "RMA: Cannot read data"
This means RMA does not provide result within specified timeout.
I think if you increase timeout for this agent (HostMonitor menu LAN->RMA Agents) then you will see different error

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