Performance Counter via RMA Agent

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Post by hmo »

Hi Alex.

Yet another issue related to the prev. one I wrote to You about by e-mail.

If You establish Performance Counter(s) via RMA, You can't make the "Get current value" to RMA.. it goes directly from HM to remote/monitored server. I dont think it's normal this way, ie. useing RMA's should operate as specifyed - ie. TCP/PORT/Crypt/psw etc. between HM and remote Agent - right?

On the other hand.. when You have the Performance Counter specifyed (correctly), then HM goes via RMA.. sooo... if "one" does not have a transperent LAN/WAN access to remote/server/agent... then it's a guess-work to setup Performance Counter(s) this way! :sad:

Another issue... how should those settings be made? Check counter settings will be like this this?:

"\<ip-adr>MemoryAvailable MBytes"
"\<netbios-name>MemoryAvailable MBytes"

I assume that "Connect as" dont mean anything here, since validation goes through RMA(security) - right? .. and rights for the RMA is made correctly!

Cheers, :smile:

Hans Mosegaard

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: hmo on 2003-07-23 06:59 ]</font>

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Post by KS-Soft »

>Yet another issue related to the prev. one I wrote to You about by e-mail.

I have sent answer to the mail. You just need to install pdh.dll on your NT 4.0 system (where RMA is running).

>If You establish Performance Counter(s) via RMA, You can't make the "Get current value" to RMA.. it goes directly from HM to remote/monitored server. I dont think it's normal this way, ie. useing RMA's should operate as specifyed

Right. Update available at

>Another issue... how should those settings be made? Check counter settings will be like this this?:
"\<ip-adr>MemoryAvailable MBytes"
"\<netbios-name>MemoryAvailable MBytes"

If remote agent checks counter on the same system where its installed, you don't have to provide address of the system at all. You may use just name of the counter "MemoryAvailable MBytes". If agent checks some other system, provide netbios name.

>I assume that "Connect as" dont mean anything here, since validation goes through RMA(security) - right? .. and rights for the RMA is made correctly!

You don't need this option in case RMA checks local system (the same system where RMA is running). But this option has sense when RMA checks some other system.

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Post by hmo »

Hi Alex.

Right on! I found that Microsoft has two different PDH.DLL (Performance Data Helper) for either Windows NT 4.x and W2K Server (as redistributal). I found out that I also had the "issue" on W2K servers. Now I'll include the current PDH.DLL together with the RMA-Win client!

Another related problem (found on W2K Server) was, that an old Exchange Server installation (together with some Compaq monitoring tools) had f***'ed up my Perflib on that server. Everytime I tried to gather PerformanceCounter data I got ERROR 301: String not found... and sadly to tell... I could'nt even see the "MemoryAvailable" key anywhere!

Microsoft is shipping out a free tool called Extensible Performance Counter List. I'm not sure if this tool is a part of the SDK, but it can be downloaded directly from Microsoft. This tool give you the option to control EVERY monitoring part on your server ie. service, libs, objects etc. The funny part :smile: is, that sometimes those monitor services getting disabled.. but this tool can find that for you in a snap!

Would You like to have it? I'll gladly send it over to you... you may distribute it freely if someone else need it!

Let's move on: :grin:

Get current value now through RMA-Win.

We're about ready to ship out RMA-Win to Win NT 4.x, W2K and W2003 Servers... all current tests made here seems to work DAMN fine! :smile:

I have some other issues regarding RMA-Win features, but that part will fit into another forum!

Hans Mosegaard
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Post by KS-Soft »


>Would You like to have it? I'll gladly send it over to you... you may distribute it freely if someone else need it!

Probably better provide link to the origin. Is this correct link ... rlst-o.asp ?

>We're about ready to ship out RMA-Win to Win NT 4.x, W2K and W2003 Servers... all current tests made here seems to work DAMN fine

Good news :smile:

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Post by hmo »

It's the right link....
Hans Mosegaard