Right-Click performing strange

General chat about HostMonitor (all messages posted before March 07, 2003 available here).
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Post by mpriess »

This just started to occur today. Only one thing changed recently. I deleted one folder within hostmonitor that had around 100 subfolders and just a few tests. Now, strange things are happening when I try to run commands via right-click- I don't know if they are related or not.
When I right-click the menu disappears rather quickly before I can select on an option. And, it happens everywhere in the program. When I click on root and try to do a resort alphabetically - 9 out of 10 times I can't get the mouse down there fast enough before the menu disappears. The same thing occurs when I click in the test details window and try to right-click ADD. Have restarted hostmonitor and the server itself. Interesting...just determined it does not happen while monitoring has been stopped (clicking stop button). Any ideas Alex?
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Post by mpriess »

The same thing happens for left-clicks on tabsbuttons throughout the interface. I'm looking for the backup of our hml file to do a restore to see if that works.
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Post by KS-Soft »

What version of HostMonitor and Windows do you use?
Could you send settings for testing to support@ks-soft.net (HML file with tests, and hostmon.ini file)?

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Post by mpriess »

It's working now. Stopped hostmonitor service...started manually and noticed errors popping up saying folder did not exist. So, that made me think it was definately and HML file issue. Opened HML manager, created new file, then opened the corrupt hml file dragged the folders over that I needed to the new one, saved...it is working fine. The folder I deleted didn't show up in the console but it appears there were still reminents of it in the HML file!??...
Oh well...it's working now. Thx Alex.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Yeah, versions till 3.68 (inclusive) have error in method that removes folders. This error appears under some circumstance (I don't remenber exactly) but it fixed now.
Do you use version 3.68 or some later patch?
I hope on next week will be available version 3.70 and version 4.0 Beta.

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Post by mpriess »

We're on Version 3.69 on Windows 2000.
I always go to the latest version you have out right away...seems there is always something new in there that I can't live without :smile:

Looking forward to checking out the new enhancements in 3.70 and 4.0!
